Julia Grapsa Profile picture
Consultant Cardiologist - Chair TF women in CV imaging #EACVI - Senior editor EHJ-IMP #ESCjournals

Jan 9, 2022, 5 tweets

Tips and tricks on how to write a clinical case #tweetorial #JACCCaseReports
✅ read carefully authors instructions
✅ select best article type for your case
✅ do a literature search: just because it’s new for you, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been published before 
✅ no plagiarism

✅ don’t forget vital signs on admission (BP, HR, RR, sats etc) & physical examination ✅ past medical Hx including medical therapy

✅ Differential diagnosis is important ➡️ Teach us : why you decided that this diagnosis is the correct one
✅ Support your diagnosis with high quality imaging (incl videos)
✅ If the patient underwent multiple investigations, timeline may be useful
✅ list any #complications

✅ Discussion: even if you didn’t follow guidelines, write it! It’s educational! ✅ Any gaps in guidelines: add them under discussion section
✅ Make sure you submit the best english version of your paper (we are here to help you)

✅ make sure your team has reviewed the manuscript #mentoring
✅ take your time to read your manuscript before submitting - does it read well?
✅ if any feedback from the journal, try to revise adequately
✅ if your manuscript is rejected, don’t get discouraged
Good luck 😃

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