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Jan 9, 2022, 11 tweets

1] ZEC shenanigans & ZanuPF's electro-phobia, as we edge towards March by-elections & indeed 2023 shouldn't be viewed in isolation.

For instance, ZEC was fully aware of by-elections dates & being a creation of the constitution, ought to have done more to entrench our democracy.

2] Last year, ZEC shared its "draft electoral road map" for by-elections.

It became imperative on them, to act swiftly in preparation of the same.

All over the country, (more so in the affected constituencies), ZEC should have ran a vigorous voter education/registration drive.

3] Now, after frustrating possible voters (in direct response to voter registration campaigns by CSOs), ZEC is happy to announce that registration is now on halt.

So many possible voters are being disenfranchised as a direct consequence of ZEC's deliberate incompetence.

4] The implications of the communication above, is that noone can register now, and be able to vote in those vacant seats.

This law may need debate, but that's a different topic.

The concern remains that, it's ZEC's sole legal responsibility to register voters, & they are not.

5] Whilst ZEC has been expressing deliberate incompetence,& even cooking up reg figures, @ProjectVote263 has stepped up big time

Unsurprisingly, ZEC has reacted by producing a list of "accredited CSOs to be involved in voter education",& @ProjectVote263 is conspicuously omitted.

6] To have a clearer appreciation of the politics at play, one needs to check the regime's attitude towards @ProjectVote263

In vintage ZanuPF style, they had already used their propaganda machinery last year, to attack the CSO & perhaps generate justifications for their plots.

7] @ProjectVote263's only crime is that they are effective.

Those claiming nothing is being done to drive the voter mobilization drive are either lying or have been lied to.

There's no need to look any further, than efforts from @ProjectVote263
& ZanuPF's subsequent reaction.

8] @ProjectVote263 should be supported in disregarding illegal political manoeuvres to frustrate their activities

Visiting their platforms shows that they're communicating ZEC approved voter registration/education material.

Attempts to blacklist them are reactionary & political

9] Ultimately, what's being communicated here is ZECs capture, & ZanuPF's fear of elections, especially votes from first time voters

This is quite exposing for a gov that claims to have stabilised the economy, rehabilitated our infrastructure, created jobs, among many other lies

10] It however remains critical that CSOs & the Opp continue bridging the gap deliberately created by ZEC.

The voters roll clearly requires so much attention.
More so at a time when ZanuPF is desperate to protect their Supreme Court creation, MDC-T, come March & beyond 2023.

11] Another key issue is that voting works & ZanuPF knows they & their unpopular leader haven't delivered, regardless of propaganda.

Also "rigging" can be broken down & countered.

Let's continue encouraging each other to #RegisterToVote2023 & demanding


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