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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 10, 2022, 8 tweets

DOOCY TIME: "I heard the President say, 'Google Covid tests near me.' So, somebody isolating with Covid, I did that, and the appointments everywhere were completely jammed. So, why is it you guys were so unprepared for the need for testing after the holidays?"

Doocy: "[T]ests…require people to go somewhere & either make an appointment or wait in line....You guys said you were going to mail free tests to people that need them. [Biden's] talking about a winter of severe illness & death…Why weren’t you guys not doing more to prepare[?]"

Doocy: At the rate you guys are going, these tests are not going to be available until spring, so will you admit that these free tests you guys promised are not going to be ready until after the omicron surge?

Psaki: I think I gave an update...We'll have the coming wks

Doocy: "[Y]ou...plan to rely on the Postal service to send out these free tests...The postal service says they're going to have a staffing shortage b/c of your vaccine mandates. So, would you pull back on the vaccine mandate if it meant getting people these free tests sooner?"

Doocy: "I understand...the science says the vaccines prevent deaths, but I'm triple vaxxed, still got Covid. You are triple vaxxed, still got Covid. Why is [Biden] still referring to this as a pandemic of the unvaccinated?"

Psaki argues it's b/c the very sick are mostly unvaxxed

Doocy: "Will the President update his language at some time to be more reflective of the fact that people who are triple vaccinated are catching and spreading Covid?"

Psaki: "I think, Pe -- the President has said, as have we a number of times...there will be breakthrough cases."

Doocy: "What do you guys think about Covid misinformation coming from the supreme court and Sonia Sotomayor's false claim that over 100,000 children are in serious condition, many on ventilators?"

Psaki: "Well, I'm not going to speak to Supreme Court arguments[.]" (7/7)

Check out my full wrap-up at @NewsBusters --> Doocy returns after Covid bout, battles Psaki over WH’s testing failures, Sotomayor’s lies…

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