Justin McElroy Profile picture
Vancouver guy travelling to 52 countries in 52 weeks. On a break from this website. Strives to tell unique stories. https://t.co/bD9PT5oPPN

Jan 10, 2022, 7 tweets

A 23% increase in #COVID19 hospitalizations in just three days in B.C., rising from 349 to 431, and nearly a doubling since the beginning of the year.

At the same time, ICU up just to 95.

Seven new deaths.

Today's chart.

You're much more at risk for hospitalization if you're unvaccinated, but the number of two dose people in hospital is also going up fairly quickly.

The current wave does not lend itself to easy soundbites.

Everyone knows Omicron is tearing through B.C.

But people want to know when will it start to subside. And it's still hard to say!

However, Coastal Health has had the same testing restraints in place for a couple weeks now.

They've seen a drop.

*Some* mild encouragement.

Why will Coastal Health bear watching this week?

- First region of B.C. to seriously be affected by Omicron
- Densest
- We now have 2+ weeks of data with PCR testing restricted

We'll get clues there first. But it's still a week where we'll be mostly in the dark.

unsure how many times this pandemic i have to remind folks that if i don't make a chart it's because i don't have the data

If you want to make the "LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE" argument, there's much a clearer way to do it than the with COVID/for COVID argument — and that's ICU rates compared to cases.

But again, these numbers are still rising.

Individual risk vs. societal impacts, again and again.

To the question of looking at VCH positivity rate, more data just dropped:

- Positivity rate has gone from 21% to 19% under consistent testing conditions

- That's not nothing, and beats going up!

- But 2% isn't a ton this high up

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