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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Jan 11, 2022, 11 tweets

Thread: When Covid vaccines were first being rolled out, here’s what the media told us.

1) CNN's @JReinerMD: “Vaccination not only prevents you from acquiring severe illness, but we know with certainty that it largely prevents transmission.” [March 3, 2021]

@JReinerMD On CNN, Dr. Carlos Del Rio (@CarlosdelRio7): “My gut feeling is the vaccines prevent transmission”; "having a vaccine that prevents transmission is really important” [March 13, 2021]

@JReinerMD @CarlosdelRio7 MSNBC’s Dr. @CelineGrounder: Covid vaccines "protect even people who are not vaccinated yet because it prevents transmission.” [Feb. 3, 2021]

@JReinerMD @CarlosdelRio7 MSNBC’s @RichardEngel: The Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine “prevents people from getting Covid” [Feb. 3, 2021]

@JReinerMD @CarlosdelRio7 @RichardEngel CNN’s @scottmclean: “The vaccine not only prevents people from getting sick, it also prevents transmission of the virus from person to person.” [Feb. 3, 2021]

On CNN, @Surgeon_General says "the vaccines we have work against the variants circulating in the United States" [May 20, 2021]

@Surgeon_General MSNBC’s @AlexWitt on the CDC adjusting its mask guidance: “The decision was based on studies showing it is rare for vaccinated people to both catch and transmit the virus and that the vaccines work against the variants.” [May 15, 2021]

@Surgeon_General @AlexWitt CNN’s @nickwattcnn: "The vaccines do work against the variants that we know are out there” [January 27, 2021]

@Surgeon_General @AlexWitt @nickwattcnn MSNBC’s @RichardEngel: “Hopefully we are coming out of [the pandemic] because the vaccines do work against the variants” [Feb. 21, 2021]

@Surgeon_General @AlexWitt @nickwattcnn @RichardEngel .@CDCDirector Walensky: “We are accumulating data that our authorized vaccines are effective against the variants that are circulating in this country.” [May 13, 2021]

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