Aikomin⁷ 아포방포 🅑🅣🅢 🅨🅔🅐🅡 Profile picture
7 have my heart | fan account | she/her | until the spring day comes again

Jan 11, 2022, 8 tweets

Remember when these photos dropped? The way we collectively lost our shît was a beautiful thing 😌

#butter #bts #bts_butter @BTS_twt

Honestly though who could blame us for going a tiny bit feral? 🥲

#bts #butter #BTS_Butter @BTS_twt

…are we sure they want us to survive?

#bts #butter #BTS_Butter @BTS_twt

Ignoring everything else, who told them it was ok to pose like this!?

#bts #butter #BTS_Butter @BTS_twt


#bts #butter #BTS_Butter @BTS_twt

And then there was the water and the sleeveless white shirts and my rising blood pressure

#bts #butter #BTS_Butter @BTS_twt

I honestly don’t know what we did to deserve this. And I’m not sure if it was a reward or a punishment 🥲

#bts #butter #BTS_Butter @BTS_twt

Either way I’m so happy I got to experience this beautiful mayhem of a day. Even if I barely survived.

#bts #butter #BTS_Butter @BTS_twt

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