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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 11, 2022, 6 tweets

.@RandPaul to Fauci: "[T]he idea that a government official like yourself would claim unilaterally to represent science and that any criticism of you would be considered a criticism of science itself is quite dangerous...It is cheap politics & it is reprehensible."

Asked by @RandPaul if "it's appropriate to use your $420,000 salary to attack scientists that disagree with you," Dr. Fauci FREAKS OUT: "[I]n usual fashion, senator, you are distorting everything about me....There you go again. You do the same thing every hearing."

FIREWORKS: @RandPaul asks Dr. Fauci if he thinks it's a "conspiracy theory" to wonder if COVID-19 came from a lab, but Fauci says Paul's "distorting the truth" & "virtually everything" about him.

Dr. Fauci then accuses @RandPaul of showing little concern for the 900,000 Americans who've died from COVID and instead leveling "personal attacks on me that have absolutely no relevance to reality."

Paul counters w/mental health + how more have died under Biden than Trump.

Dr. Fauci then demands time to read from remarks attacking @RandPaul for criticizing him w/o "a shred of evidence" and directly blames those who've disagreed w/him for the death threats he's received & messages to family members.

He adds Paul is doing it "for political reasons."

Fauci wraps his latest back-and-forth with @RandPaul by arguing Paul and critics are threatening his life and "making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain" because he wants to amass political donations. (6/6)

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