Kevin Gannon Profile picture
Educational developer, writer, historian, abolitionist. Not really here anymore. Same username on bluesky.

Jan 11, 2022, 10 tweets

Saw this get shared on my TL. And I think it's the rhetorical equivalent of machine-gunning a mosquito. Moreover, this is the exact type of "nothing good is possible but at least we're not the GOP" rhetoric that alienates voters whether you like it or not. 1/x

Like, what's the audience for this? Some mythical Oberlin kid with a Che poster who thinks the Dems should seize the means of production? Or actual communities of voters (ESP communities of color) who just want some movement on things the Dems promise in return for their votes /2

I mean, sure, you can lecture these fictional hippies about how things work "in the real world," but read that language again and ask yourself: what does this person lecturing me *do* besides rationalize inertia? There's no there, there; it's just a frustrated screed /3

It probably feels good to be the savvy "adult," lecturing the children about how things "really work." But this take fails to answer two key questions: 1. If this is all true, explain the GOP's successes as a minority party, and 2. What do you want people to vote *for*? /4

Like, if you think progressives are just hardcore Berners and old Nader voters, and you continue to belittle their aspirations, don't be surprised if they don't want to vote for you. /5

Anyway, this is the same centrist, don't-try-asking-for-nice-things "strategy" that will alienate, not invite, wavering voters. You can't keep saying (for example) "thx for saving us, Black women" and then punt on actual substantive change. You have to at least *try*. /6

Lecturing voters who dare to voice aspirations, belittling them for their faith that government should actually govern, then telling them "you have to vote for us bc the other guy is worse!"--that isn't electioneering, it's hostage-taking. EARN. THE. VOTES. /fin

PS: sleepwalking on voting rights while the GOP tears through states on a disfranchisement rampage? That's a prime example of how the procedurally-savvy but cynical, world-weary affect some commentators have adopted is totally unsuited to our moment. Norms will not save us.

There is, of course, always a Dril tweet

So, yeah-more of this, please, and faster. Holler from the rooftops. Make the case--if you can't sell this....

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