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Jan 12, 2022, 29 tweets

Who exactly is Brian Goldman aka @NightShiftMD?

Is he a real MD? Is he still practicing? Real doctors always pose with a stethoscope draped over their shoulders, right?

Let’s dive in a bit and try to figure out who one of Ontario’s most prolific #COVIDGrifters is.


If you were to look at his profile you’ll notice he immediately mentions he is an ER MD yet he still has time to host a CBC podcast and write books, and have his own website.

Judging by his tweets you would assume he’s run off his feet in an Ontario ER.

Bonus pronoun pts.

Well let’s check out @NightShiftMD’s website to see where he is an MD.

Oh look at that right on the homepage he is an “ER DOCTOR” first and foremost. But where?

It should be noted this cartoon is also on his webpage which I guess narcissists think is endearing.

According to @NightShiftMD’s melodramatic “About” page “Goldman IS [emphasis added] a highly regarded emergency physician at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.”

Let’s check out that hospital’s website…

Mount Sinai Hospital’s website has a search feature to Find a Physican.

Could I find Brian Goldman? Nope.

Just in case I also searched his name manually by clicking G and looking through the directly.

@NightShiftMD is surprisingly NOT practicing medicine at Sinai. 🤔

I should mention I absolutely love this doctor’s name.



But wait… if @NightShiftMD isn’t an ER MD, when WAS he an ER MD?

Let’s consult, the Yelp of medical practitioners. I’m sure there will be evidence of Brian being a self-described “a highly regarded emergency physician”.

Oh boy…..


“More interested in promoting his books”? Well yeah, @NightShiftMD needs dat Beemer money.

That couldn’t be true. There has to be a good review in here somewhere. Maybe there is more…..

Oh boy….. 😬




Come on. There has to be SOMEONE @NightShiftMD he treated in person that left a good review and not just a publicist leaving him good book reviews.

Yeah, sorry. It’s his publicist….


Okay, okay it’s getting late and I have to set my Cam Alarm for 7AM.

More to come tomorrow!

I took a quick look through @NightShiftMD's Twitter posts and see that he posted this on January 8th. Is he working at Scarborough Health now?

Is he actually wearing a N95 under his cloth mask? If you ask me I think that's a flat out lie.

The most obvious way to find where a doctor is practicing to search their name on the CPSO website here:

And yes @NightShiftMD is licensed to practice Family and ER medicine and he was last Privilege was at Mount Sinai.

It is very interesting his terms and conditions are only to practice medicine in the areas he is educated and experienced.

He sure weights in on virology a lot.

So now that we've established Brian Goldman is a doctor, let's circle back to his my opinion that he is a #COVIDGrifter.

The Medicine has a lot of regulations around what is professional misconduct.…

@NightShiftMD flirts with a lot of those rules in my opinion. But so do a lot of publicly funded doctors in Ontario with blue check verifications on Twitter.

This is a real issue.

Should an ethical doctor practicing medicine have so many side gigs? A list follows.

@NightShiftMD is available as a keynote speaker with the National Speakers Bureau.

Why is an Ontario ER MD providing keynote speeches for financial benefit? A rumour was circulating earlier in the year that SharkawyMD was worth $15,000 a speech.…

@NightShiftMD has several books for sale, the links for which are available on his personal website.

Why is it ethically okay for an Ontario funded ER MD to author 3 books and gain financially.

Is there not a vested interest for Brian to stay relevant due to this 2nd career?

And last but not least, why does an Ontario funded ER MD have a CBC podcast?

@NightShiftMD has a way to obfuscate what his current career is while weighing in on current hospital situations.

This is truly a gift con artists are adapt at.

Long COVID? More like Long CON.

In the end my opinion is this:

@NightShiftMD is a businessman using his medical license as a means to an end.

That end being 💰💰💰.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Brian is a paid influencer as well, given The Sun’s reporting as the vaccines rolled out.…

To wrap up this thread about @NightShiftMD (for now) I’ll just suggest this.


Just to add I’ll give @NightShiftMD at least the credit that his career wasn’t created by COVID unlike almost every other opportunist in Ontario.

The timing of his first podcast in January of 2020 is a bit dubious considering we already knew SARS-CoV-2 was going to go global.

Thought I would update this more due to @NightShiftMD posting the below tweet today at 11:56 AM.

Notice the amount branding Sinai Health System lanyard?

So how did Brian spend his day working in one of Ontario’s overwhelmed hospitals?

Assuming his shift started at 12:00 PM, Brian must have saved every life threatened by the existential threat of COVID-19 within an hour, because he tweeted “Dad Joke” at 1:31 PM.

That’s not all. He tweeted and retweeted all day.

Four below. Still more though.


Do you play Wordle and reply to your adoring fans between venting COVID patients or while venting COVID patients? 🤔


I totally missed this one, and it just totally throws into question how Brian spent the day and whether we are being totally gaslighted on the actual conditions in our hospitals.

At 12:11PM he retweeted this from notorious #COVIDGrifter Michael Warner.


Just checked out the Mount Sinai COVID dashboard to see just how overwhelmed they are with patients today.

5 of 24 available ICU beds are being occupied by COVID patients (not indication on the amount of incidentals).

No wonder @NightShiftMD had so much time to crush Twitter today, there are half the amount of COVID patients in ICU than there were yesterday, according to CP24.

Thanks for covering for Brian, Cody. 👍👍👍


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