Robert Jones, DO Profile picture
EM | POCUS | Asst Dean Clerkship Education- MHMC/Case | Opinions are mine | RTs not endorsements I Case hx all changed to de-identify

Jan 12, 2022, 8 tweets

Severe Abd pain, n/v, & distention. BP 96/50, HR 124. No bowel sounds. Diffuse tenderness. WBC 17.9. Lactate 3.8. POCUS shown. #POCUS #FOAMed #FOAMus #FOAMcc #MedEd #EMBound @ACEP_EUS @PhilipsPOCUS @MetroHealth_EM @MH_EMultrasound @NephroP @jminardi21 @kyliebaker888 @TomJelic

Dx: Complicated SBO. Meets SBO criteria with diameter > 2.5 cm greater than 10 cm in length. Also has absence of peristalsis and adjacent free fluid--concerning for complicated SBO

NG tube placed. Just under 2.5 liters returned. Taken to the OR. Had ischemic segment of bowel just proximal to the obstruction.

While this patient didn't have the classic to and fro movement of bowel contents, here is another patient with to and fro movement noted.

Here is a rare cause of obstruction. This patient has a GS ileus.

Here is a systematic review and meta-analysis. Shows Bowel POCUS Sensitivity 92.4% and Specificity 96.6%. @MGottliebMD

Keeping in mind that POCUS is operator dependent, this study showed that POCUS is moderately sensitive (but less specific) when in the hands of a diverse group of EM physicians. Better in hands of fellowship trained. @tomkehrl @Takeokun @jchristianfox

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