Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 12, 2022, 11 tweets

.@LeaderMcConnell: Biden "delivered a deliberately divisive speech that was designed to pull our country further apart...He compared...a bipartisan majority of senators to literal traitors. How profoundly, profoundly unpresidential...I did not recognize the man at the podium[.]"

.@LeaderMcConnell: "[V]oters did not give President Biden a mandate for very much...bridge a divided country, lower the temperature, dial down the perpetual ere of crisis...Biden has chosen to fail his own test. [His] rant...was incoherent, incorrect, & beneath his office"

McConnell: "He used the phrase Jim Crow 2.0 to demigod a law that makes the franchise more accessible in his own state...Ironically...the D.C. Mayor said bring a photo ID & vaccine card anytime they leave the house...World saw [him] propagandize against his own country."

McConnell: "There was no consistent standard behind anything [he] said. He trampled through some of the most sensitive & sacred parts of our nation's past. He invoked times when activists bled & when soldiers died, all to demagogue voting laws...more expansive" than in Delaware

McConnell: "Democracy is on death's door, but he spent 9 months chasing a reckless taxing & spending spree...Must not be that much of an emergency. Citizens are meant to believe a return of Jim Crow is on the table....Democrats' own behavior refutes their false hysteria."

McConnell: A year ago, Biden "said that politics need not be a raging fire" & "every disagreement doesn't have to be a cause for total war. But yesterday, he said anyone who opposes smashing the a domestic Jefferson Davis...Rhetoric unbecoming of a" POTUS

McConnell: "In less than a year, restoring the soul of America has become this: Agree with me or you're a bigot...From lowering the temperature to invoking totalitarian states and the civil war...You could not invent a better advertisement for the legislative filibuster[.]"

McConnell: "A President shouting that 52 senators and millions of Americans are racist unless he gets whatever he wants is proving exactly why the Framers built the Senate to check his power...Perfect case study & why Senator Biden was right...& President Biden is wrong."

McConnell: "I criticized top Democrats hysteria after 2016 when their rhetoric had...falsely convinced" people "that Russia had hacked our voting machines...In...January of last year...our side...defended our...process despite political pressure & we had...a literal mob."

McConnell: "Washington Democrats who don't like their poll numbers are reversing their delegitimize the next election in case they lose it. We have a sitting President...invoking the Civil War, shouting about totalitarianism & labeling millions...his domestic enemies"

McConnell: "This will not be repaired w/more lies, more outrage, & more rule-breaking. Unfortunately...Biden has rejected the better angels of our nature...This institution cannot give in to dishonorable tactics...We have to stand up...protect the Senate, & defend the country."

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