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Jan 12, 2022, 9 tweets

James Fox' movie on the Varginha crash will come out this year.
#ufotwitter reddit.com/r/UFOB/comment…

NORAD warned Brazil before the crash that a craft entered Brazilian airspace. Then it crashed or was brought down.
Then US sent a military airplane to Campinas without announcing arrival (AVOEM). From there two helicopters flew to Varginha to take the debris/organic specimen.

The witnesses who saw the crash happening.

139 Miles between Campinas & Varginha.

Fox interviews the three ladies who saw one of the beings.

The absurd explanation of the Brazilian military:

Marco Eli Chereze died after contamination. A healthy strong soldier who dies without actual cause. And another fireman died as well. Bodies quickly buried.

An eye witness account from the hospital:

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