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Jan 12, 2022, 24 tweets

About some "BIG" conspiracies

It's human nature to conspire

Fuck them, they are all going to die anyway (fact)

A shroud has no pockets (fact)

A new generation will be dancing on their rotting skulls

That's my philosophy lately

Bit grim but helps put things in perspective

not saying they may not be "true"

but i prefer to focus on the little conspiracies of silence and the conspiracies of sod's law.

Even such is time, that takes in trust
Our youth, our joys, our all we have
And pays us but with age and dust

WALTER RALEIGH, the night before his death

History hath triumphed over time, which beside it nothing but eternity hath triumphed over.

Preface, History of the World

History of the World (1628 pages, one million words)

Published in 1614…

Written during his imprisonment in the Tower of London,the cynical nature of the work, and the contempt to which Raleigh holds monarchs throughout history brought the book to the attention of James I who immediately demanded copies to be seized and publication banned.

If you find a million words daunting in the age of Twitter, some selections from his work can be read here:

Selections from his Historie of the world, his Letters,…

Dr. John Dee performing "an experiment" for Queen Elizabeth I.

Behind him is his assistant Edward Kelly, wearing a long skullcap to conceal the fact that his ears had been cropped as a punishment for forgery.

Sir Walter Raleigh is on her left.…

Dr. John Dee was the ‘conjuror’ associated with the fictional, atheistical ‘School of Night’ associated with Walter Raleigh (by his enemies), who allegedly cursed the Spanish Armada in 1588.

His appetite for knowledge meant he slept only four hours a night, spending his waking hours studying Greek, Latin, geometry, mathematics, astronomy, navigation, scripture, law, medicine and cryptography – the art of writing codes.

He accumulated the largest library in England at his house in Mortlake – boasting some 2,670 manuscripts, as opposed to Cambridge’s 451 and Oxford’s 379

The private diary of Dr. John Dee : and the catalogue of his library of manuscripts,…

As well as being a renowned occultist, he was a gifted cartographer, mathematician, geographer and astronomer.
He used that wealth of knowledge to prepare Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh as they traveled the globe, and advised Queen Elizabeth on her imperial designs.

“Who does not understand should either learn, or be silent.”

- Dr. John Dee…

Scholar, courtier, magician the lost library of John Dee at the Royal College of Physicians

Dee was credited with coining the term British Empire

and here are some of his "magical tools"…

Nicholas Culpeper’s statement - John Dee’s crystal

Culpeper used it, claiming that whilst it would successfully heal his patients, its use gave him lewd apparitions and left him lethargic.

He discontinued its use after a demonic spirit emerged from it…

Marble copy of John Dee's Holy Table

The original wooden table is lost

This marble copy, made nearly a century after Dee’s work, was based on a published engraving that appeared in 1659

The marble copy may have been owned by the astrologer William Lilly…

Dee's Speculum or "Skrying" Mirror

This was an obsidian Aztec cult object in the shape of a hand-mirror, brought to Europe in the late 1520s, which was subsequently owned by Horace Walpole…

Dee's Magical Disk (Front, Back)

3 Magical Discs, made from wax & engraved with detailed inscriptions and symbols, the disks would have been used in conjunction with Dee’s magic mirror for communication and decoding purposes.…

So, yes BIG Conspiracies do exist and always have

Think, Virginia?

Useful Sources:
John Dee
Arch Conjuror of England: John Dee…
Queen’s Conjuror: The Life & Magic of Dr. Dee…
John Dee & the Empire of Angels…
Magic Seal of John Dee…

More resources:
John Dee: 1527-1608…
Mystical Records of John Dee (3-volumes)…
John Dee's Occultism…
John Dee’s Actions with Spirits…
Private Diary of John Dee…

Dee was allegedly a member of the "School of Night"

Founded by Walter Raleigh…

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