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Everything you need to know about the Portuguese genius Cristiano Ronaldo #CR7𓃵. DM for Enquiries.

Jan 13, 2022, 8 tweets

Cristiano Ronaldo:

“I’m back to Manchester United because I love this club not because of money.”

Cristiano Ronaldo:

“I believe we have huge potential to win stuff. We have to find the best way to achieve these results. We have a few things to change and have to accept when you’re not in your best shape. We have a long way to improve but I believe.”

Cristiano Ronaldo:

“Lets be honest, the last five/six games you think Manchester [United] played well? No, everyone knows this we have to believe we can do better. To play as Manchester United fans want and the history of the club.”


“We won’t give up. The only people that give up are those that are weak mentally.”

Cristiano Ronaldo:

“Every weekend is a challenge. Saturday we have a big game we have to try to win. Step by step. I live the present. The future will come.”

Cristiano Ronaldo on what would success be at the end of the season:

“I hope to win one title, to go through in the Champions League and to be in the top four.”

Cristiano Ronaldo:

“We won the last game but we didn’t perform the way we want.”

Cristiano Ronaldo when told it’s not about winning it’s the way we win at United:

“Exactly. I think we can make the two things together [performance and winning] to make the perfect scenario.”

Cristiano Ronaldo full interview. 🗣️

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