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Jan 13, 2022, 11 tweets

🏭 A new report from the @CommonsEAC has laid bare the shocking extent of pollution in England’s rivers and the harm it’s doing to humans, animals and the environment. So why are our rivers so polluted - and what can you do about it?… @theriverstrust

🚽 One primary pollution source is sewage, which was discharged into English rivers by water companies at least 400,000 times in 2020 alone. This waste contains all kinds of dangerous pollutants - from narcotics to e-coli and microplastics.

🐓Agriculture is one of the most significant sources of pollution, with fertiliser, waste from livestock and chemicals running into rivers and depleting oxygen levels in the water - killing fish and plants across the country. @RiverActionUK @NFFNUK…

🏙️🗑️Pollution from urban sources is another key offender. Microplastics from tyres and roads, along with litter, are swept into rivers following rain, endangering the animals and plants relying on it for survival.…

🌊Shockingly, the @CommonsEAC says there is no comprehensive picture of river pollution and the harm it’s doing due to “inadequate” monitoring. The evidence in their report, however, paints a frightening picture.…

🦟One study by @CUWaterResearch of the River Irwell found more fragments of plastic per square metre in the water than there were insects. The full implications of microplastics on human and animal health are still unknown.…

💊Report authors noted with “grave concern” that research from @sascampaigns & water samples suggest polluted rivers are becoming “breeding grounds” for drug-resistant bacteria and viruses, risking the emergence of hard-to-treat or untreatable illnesses:…

🧪☠️Samples taken in 2020 showed that every single English river failed a pollution test, with just 14% considered of “good” ecological quality. This ranks England’s rivers as among the worst-quality in Europe.…

❓“Faecal microbes, hydrocarbons, industrial chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products are found in sewage flows,” said Dr Rob Collins of @theriverstrust. “we know very little about their impact upon human health”, he warned.…

☎️So what can you do to act on pollution? First of all, if you see it you can report it to @theriverstrust @sascampaigns or the Environment Agency. The latter two charities also offer hands-on ways to tackle pollution - from beach cleans to campaigning:…

✍️💪You could also consider writing to your MP about the issue - and if there’s no campaign group near you, start your own. Groups like @cleanilkley and @WindrushWasp have already secured important wins on cleaning up rivers.…

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