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Jan 13, 2022, 7 tweets

#onthisday in 1949, a @BostonBTD photographer walked through Boston documenting Boston's streets and intersections for a city study. Let's walk along!…

At 1:43 pm, our photographer snapped a photo of Broad Street facing Atlantic, capturing this pedestrian among the delivery trucks.…

At 1:50 pm, we're at Broad and State.…

15 minute later, our photographer captures a line of parked cars and a delivery truck at Kingston and Essex.…

At Kingston and Bedford at 2:10 pm, we see signs for all sorts of businesses. Take a look!…

Just a few minute later, our photographer snaps another photo of the same intersection, this time capturing several pedestrians.…

Want to look at more @BostonBTD photos? Take a look at our Traffic and Parking photo collection!…

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