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Founder @ Vision Capital Fund. Investor, author, angel. Invest in companies that reflect our best vision for our future. Musings on investing, business & life.

Jan 13, 2022, 7 tweets

Significant short-term divergence between a company’s business performance and stock price is a feature of the stock market, not a bug.

Long-term returns only come to those who are willing to bear that short-term price volatility, and pay that admission fee when others won’t.

Examples of 5 charts to bring this point home:

(1) Zoom Video Communications $ZM

(2) Zscaler $ZS

(3) The Trade Desk $TTD

(4) Adobe Inc $ADBE

(5) CrowdStrike $CRWD

Short-term daily price performance almost always does significantly deviate from long-term business performance.

Be a business-focused investor, not a price-focused one.

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