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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Jan 13, 2022, 12 tweets

I’ve just read the full indictment of the Oath Keepers’ founder on “seditious conspiracy” and there’s no way they’re going to convict. At no point do they ever explain the “seditious conspiracy.” The indictment merely shows they planned to go to D.C. to protest & cause trouble.

The lack of evidence likely explains why it’s taken more than a year before filing charges. You’ll also see the FBI leans heavily on editorializing throughout the indictment, and offers random, unrelated commentary — like this line about the “thousands of dollars” of damage.

Having apparently taken defendants' phones, the indictment reads like a synopsis of everything they texted each other in the weeks between the election and Biden’s inauguration … such as this random joke about staying at a Holiday Inn

Really explosive stuff here from the Oath Keepers chat room

Give the FBI credit for at least including this exonerating evidence, where the supposed sedition plotters are acknowledging in advance their plan won’t work

Important point: The Oath Keepers brought an “82-pound German Shepherd named ‘Warrior’”

Also: golf carts

This is the most damning piece of evidence they have — the closest they get to anything like a “conspiracy” … and it amounts to raising a ruckus

They didn’t just “pull on the doors,” they “pulled VIOLENTLY on the doors”

Also important to note that they were driving the golf carts in a reckless manner

Some of the Oath Keepers “aggressively berated and taunted law enforcement officers”

After the riot is over and everyone leaves D.C., one of their final messages relates to what happens once Biden is inaugurated …

The Oath Keepers apparently had a lot of guns, but explicitly elected not to bring them to the 1/6 protest. Probably because this wasn’t an actual coup but rather idiots dressing up & playing a grownup version of capture the flag.

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