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Difficult Airway Society Trainees Tweets by @drnishaat @majumdar_moon (& @vapourologist during #JanuAIRWAY) Charity: 1071732

Jan 14, 2022, 9 tweets

#JanuAIRWAY Day 14. One Lung Ventilation – one of @vapourologist’s favourite procedures in anaesthesia – physiology in action! Here’s a #OnePager. Let’s dive in…
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Several indications for OLV, commonest are thoracic surgery & some oesophagectomies. Essentially three ways to achieve OLV - use of:
- Double lumen tube
- Bronchial Blocker
- Elective endobronchial intubation
Here are some #OnePagers covering the basics
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The key physiological change is the creation of a large shunt – deoxygenated blood (which would normally be oxygenated), returns to the left heart resulting in hypoxaemia.
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Often OLV is done in the lateral decubitus position. This has several effects on V/Q relations. As we can see in these diagrams.
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Evolution is amazing, because we have a friend to help us deal with shunt – hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Bottom line – mechanism is complicated, it’s biphasic, aims to decrease shunt to non-ventilated lung – can be influenced by several factors.
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Our tips for OLV:
- Choose your airway wisely – get it right first time – use a fiberoptic scope
- If using bronchial blocker – consider going outside ETT.
- Be aware of physiological interplay
- Plan to deal with hypoxaemia

What’re your tips for OLV?
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A knowledge of bronchoscopic anatomy is incredibly useful in anaesthesia / critical care – especially when performing OLV. Here’s a pair of #OnePagers covering the basics
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Here are some papers / links you may find interesting:
If you have any others of interest, tweet them to us for inclusion next time!
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Hope that helps. Tomorrow we'll take a look at Tracheostomies. See you then! #JanuAIRWAY 9/9

*Disclaimer: Inclusion of content (equipment, techniques and scoring systems etc.) in #JanuAIRWAY does not constitute DAS endorsement

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