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Jan 14, 2022, 10 tweets

WATCH | An #ACFrontPage conversation with Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine @AndriyYermak, moderated by @JohnEdHerbst.…

Head of the Office of the President of Ukrainian @AndriyYermak says President @ZelenskyyUa's "main goal is to stop the war In Ukraine and to make the historical reforms." #ACFrontPage

"It's a very big concern, the potential aggression from the side of the Russian Federation," Head of the Office President @ZelenskyyUa's office @AndriyYermak tells #ACFrontPage. "If It happens, more than the majority of the people in Ukraine will defend our country."

How is it "possible to talk about European security" without Ukraine? "It's impossible," @AndriyYermak remarks. #ACFrontPage

NATO membership is a "life and death" matter for Ukraine, @AndriyYermak tells #ACFrontPage.

🇺🇦@AndriyYermak addresses today's cyberattack in an #ACFrontPage conversation: "The most strategic infrastructure in Ukraine was not destroyed by this attack… Practically 90% of sites" will be restored soon. Ukrainian intelligence has "some thoughts" about who is behind it

Western leaders have maintained regular contact with Ukraine and have assured them that when it comes to decision making, "nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine." #ACFrontPage

🚨BREAKING: Head of President of @ZelenskyyUa's Office @AndriyYermak tells #ACFrontPage that "President Zelenskyy proposed to President Biden" a trilateral meeting " by video conference between President Biden, President Zelenskyy, and President Putin."

#ACFrontPage@AndriyYermak tells @ACEurasia director that the Ukrainian government is "seriously" preparing with "partners" on various Russian aggression scenarios mentioned by @JohnEdHerbst.

In a call with Zelenskyy, Biden said, "the US will do everything to help 🇺🇦fully prepare to defend our country" but "we need help before something happens… It's not the time to discuss sanctions when we have > than 100K 🇷🇺soldiers on our border." @AndriyYermak #ACFrontPage

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