Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez Profile picture
Dist. Prof. Univ. Colorado. #HighlyCited2023, Fellow AAAR & AGU. Aerosols, pollution #EndFossilFuels #COVIDisAirborne

Jan 16, 2022, 11 tweets

1/ Must read from Dr. Raina MacIntyre:

Key quotes:

"As for denial of the risk in children, the majority of vaccine-preventable diseases that we vaccinate children against are mild in most children. Only a small percentage suffer serious complications"…

2/ From @Globalbiosec:

"The denial of the airborne transmission was started by experts on @WHO IPC committee & allowed all countries to take the easy way out. If handwashing is all you need, onus can be shifted to “personal responsibility”...

3/ "... if ventilation needs to be fixed, that shifts responsibility to governments and private organisations."

"Denial of Omicron being serious suits exhausted community who wish life could go back to 2019. Omicron may be 1/2 as deadly as Delta, but D was 2x as deadly as 2020"

4/ "Denial of science of epidemiology is widespread, even among “experts”. We are told repeatedly that SARS-CoV-2 will become “endemic”. But it will never be endemic because it is an epidemic disease & always will be. No truly endemic disease – e.g. malaria – behaves that way"

5/ "This is the reason governments prepare for pandemics. The propensity for epidemics to grow rapidly can stress the health system in a very short time. Respiratory epidemic infections follow this pattern unless eliminated by vaccination or mitigated by NPIs".

6/ "Natural infection has never eliminated itself in recorded history. Not smallpox, which displayed the same pattern over thousands of years, and not measles, which is still epidemic in many countries."

By @Globalbiosec

7/ "Another outcome of these failures are unscientific theories being pushed in many countries – such as argument for “herd immunity by natural infection”, which has become a household narrative during the pandemic despite four pandemic waves providing little protection to date"

8/ "Many do not understand “public health” & equate it w/ provision of acute health care in hospitals or confuse it w/ primary care. PH is organised response by society to protect & promote health, & to prevent illness, injury and disability. It is core responsibility of govt"

9/ "what the past month has shown us is we cannot live with unmitigated Covid-19. Vaccinations will not be enough. We need a ventilation 7 vaccine-plus strategy to avoid the disruptive epidemic cycle, to protect health & economy, and to regain a semblance of the life we all want"

10/ The whole article is outstanding, please read it in its entirety. Thanks @Globalbiosec for summarizing so many inconvenient truths so well.…

11/ PS: if you want to read the great opinion piece by Dr. Raina MacIntyre (@Globalbiosec) discussed on my thread (), but are encountering a paywall, there is a PDF copy of the entire article at this link:…

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