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Jan 16, 2022, 8 tweets

"Uniquely we invite key clients to join an advisory board which meets annually, encouraging an effective alignment of interest between the partnership and our investors" (Jacob Rees-Mogg's SCM) @peterjukes @carolecadwalla @ByDonkeys WHO MIGHT THEY BE?

Given volumes of cash SCM poured into Russia (+ 10 years earlier via Lloyd George Asset Management's Siberian Investment Fund did) - did Lukoil, Yandex, Sberbank (beneficiaries of Mogg's largesse - have a Beneficial Godfather acting as a SCM shareholder?…

Rees-Mogg ran the LG Antenna Fund and invested in Zander Group (which is more than one third owned by Russian backed Dmytro Firtash via his Spadi Trading shell company) - given Firtash love of laundering cash could a representative of Firtash be 'on board' of Somerset Cap Mgt?

Spadi Trading (Firtash - in Vienna facing bribery and extortion charges and facing extradition to USA) Jacob Rees-Mogg's LG Antenna Fund - a big investor, Tchenguiz Bros (investors in Camb Analytica) Anthony Bamford (Brexiteer huge funder of Boris and David Davis) - all investors

"Jacob Rees-Mogg says Lloyd George philosophy is simple. "We emphasize company visits, we visit every company that we invest in. There may be 1 or 2 firms that we invest in with intention of seeing later, but we do see them all and we carry on seeing them." (East of the Urals)

Robertson is a co-founder of Somerset Capital management with Mogg. There is no way Mogg did not know Dmytro Firtash had invested a ton of cash in Zander Group (CEO Earl Asquith was a family friend) & "he visited all companies he invests in"

In the 2010s Somerset Capital Management invest in all the same companies that Siberian Investment Co invests in - what a golden opportunity to recycle cash from any Russian linked Ukrainian mafiosi oligarch that invested in the same company as Mogg - called Firtash

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