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TV science writer who campaigns against puberty blockers. Trans identified males are men. Subscribe:

Jan 16, 2022, 20 tweets

1./ The fake trans science bandwagon trundles on. Yet another paper by ideological activists self-identifying as objective scientists is now being amplified by the American media to claim that trans hormone therapy saves lives. Mmm. Let's have a little look at this claim. /1of19

2./ @nowthisnews claims the study shows access to hormone therapy "reduces suicide rates". In fact the paper itself explored a possible association between levels of depression, thoughts of suicide and attempted suicide. Although the researchers were happy to put a spin on it.

3./ The paper compares young people who've had access to hormone therapy and those who wanted it but couldn't get it. 23% of those who wanted it claimed to have attempted suicide versus 14% for those who got it. But there is a glaring omission in the paper.

4./ The guidelines of trans healthcare body WPATH make it clear that to get hormone therapy patients should be screened for mental health issues and conditions should be "well controlled" so those who get hormones are likely to have better mental health to begin with.👇

5./ In other words, it really shouldn't be a surprise that those who get hormones have better mental health and less suicidality than those who don't. They have been filtered specifically for mental health. The paper merely hints at this in the most round about way. 👇

6./ "It is possible that those who have higher rates of depression and suicidal thoughts are less able to seek or obtain GAHT" ( hormones). Indeed! Even Jack Turban in his awful puberty blockers paper was more forthright. "Reverse causation cannot be ruled out", he admitted.👇

7./ In other words those with better mental health are the ones who GET the drugs! The new paper does admit "causation cannot be inferred". That's because the study is a snapshot in time. It didn't follow anyone over time. All this was lost on the usual bozos.👇

8./ So what are we left with? We have a science paper that says it cannot prove any casual link, suggests a plausible alternative explanation and fails to mention that those who receive hormones are screened for mental health conditions. But there's worse.

9./ The authors findings are undermined by the way they suddenly sway into political commentary. Their paper blames political attempts to limit puberty blockers and "harmful rhetoric" as a possible cause for the mental health issues they are supposed to be investigating. 👇

10./ If the authors feel able to dish out political commentary how can we trust that their methodology wasn't skewed by the same bias? For one thing, both they and @TrevorProject who employ the authors clearly have an incentive to suggest suicide stats are sky high. But are they?

11./ @TrevorProject are suicide experts so perhaps they had good reason to insert this wording before questions in the study that related to mental health:"If at any time you need to talk to someone about your mental health or thoughts of suicide please call the Trevor Project."

12./ But wouldn't that wording be bound to lead the young participants to imagine what's required from them is as much angst about depression and suicide as possible? I looked in vain for the questionaire to see how much the authors may have led the participants in other ways.

13./ The bottom line is do we trust researchers who blame vague news coverage for pushing up suicide and depression among LGBT youth not to give leading cues and frame questions in such a way as to get the results they set out to obtain from the get go? Rhetorical question.

14./ This survey is only the latest example of what's become an LGBTQ+ obsession with suicide. But when gays were fighting for our rights we hardly mentioned it. We knew we could only succeed by being resilient. If we'd threatened suicide our opponents would have urged us on.

15./ Now that life has never been better for LGB people and trans folks many LGBTQ+ organisations have taken reflexively to waving shrouds around. They're in danger of creating a suicide business model that undermines resilience and instead promotes mental fragility.

16./ What impact must it have on a young trans person to be told that more than half of young trans people have attempted suicide? This statistic, manufactured by researchers with an agenda, is almost bound to make a cheerful young person feel they're letting the side down.

17./ Much of the LGBTQ+ movement now increasingly seems to undermine the mental health of young people; normalising depression and suicidality in order to justify its existence. And then there are the multiplying gender identities young people are encouraged to obsess about.👇

18./ The Trevor Project's annual survey of mental health heard last year from young people who reported more than 100 different gender identities including omnigender and neutrois. 👀But do these multiplying choices really lead to better mental health outcomes?

19./ Some experiments suggest when people have an overload of options they find it harder to choose and when they do make a choice they are less satisfied with it. Maybe the source of the LGBTQ+ mental health crisis is ....gender identity itself.

Causal link! Not casual. Though that’s an understandable slip since the paper is a casually thrown together hotch potch of statistics.

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