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Jan 16, 2022, 22 tweets

Great article found by @supersleuthgrl!

Explains how the extractive industries with the help of the corruption services industries established corrupt regimes in Kazakhstan while politicians & the CIA tried to keep FBI & DOJ at bay.

Like most of the global Swamps, the one in Kazhakstan was started by western extractive industries. Drilling, mining, lumber, & fishing companies bribe repressive politicians for permission to extract natural resources.

When FBI & DOJ went after the corruption, Nazarbayev appealed to Cheney for protection. Leading Giffen's lawyers to admit CIA knew about the corruption & years of 'legal wrangling' over state secrets like corruption.
But Naz knew he could be brought down if CIA didn't fight 4 him

If you have followed me for long, you know that I suspect that there was still classified authorization to the CIA to control the former Soviet Republics by using corruption to create puppets who would let their nation's resources be drained off for the profit of US companies.

So now the power struggle over who controls Kazakhstan & it's wealth is escalating.
A color revolution failed, I suspect because Massimov tried to go through Hunter Biden (& the FBI) instead of the people at CIA & State who run real color revolutions...

So after 2 decades of FBI & DOJ being told to drop cases because "he's with intelligence" the FBI infiltrated it's own assets into the Swamp networks to drain them. It's why the oligarchs, politicians & dictators started getting indicted in 2014...

So why is a country like Kazakhstan so important?
It produces 40% of the worlds uranium & a deal between Nazarbayev & Clinton let Uranium One secure mining rights Putin wanted...

So then the Clinton Foundation donors sold the company to Russia!

Like most of these countries, corruption comes to light when someone tries to get away with their cash or someone elses. But they are usually lying to claim they are the victim. Which is why they hire guys like Chris Steele to write dossiers for their court cases...

So just like many corrupt American politicians, Nazarbayev made deals with foreign oligarchs who could not pose a risk as political rivals in his country.

To keep the spice flowing they use repression & hire Swampy law firms & PR firms to blame the problem on someone else.
The corruption services industry calls this "reputation management"
As Titus said if Tom Hanks punched a nun, your first question would be "What did the nun do?"

Putin doesn't want to lose that uranium supply he bought from the Clintons' friends.
But I suspect sending in Russian troops to protect Nazarbayev & his puppet president will backfire in making them look like Putin's lackeys & a return to Moscow's control...

So now the regime's players are all jumbled & trying to maintain their positions & take out their rivals. While western 'consultants' guide them
Which means they will be using their blackmail material to expose the corruption of their rivals. Which gives us more of the #Receipts!

As that chaos increases, no one will know who is on their side & they may have to rely upon advice from those corruption services industry partners motivated only my mercenary greed...

Orbis Business Intelligence (Chris Steele) made a lot of money providing 'reports' for attorneys who were running oligarchs cases in western courts.
Suing rivals to take back assets by accusing them of corruption. With a 'dodgy dossier' to back up the allegations.

Then comes this claim (threat?) If these power struggles don't stop Kazhastan might start releasing the #Receipts exposing the West's consultants, lobbyists, private spies & PR firms that enabled the corruption.
Notice the reporter's source omitted politicians & lobbyists? Weird!

Oh look, FT's source is a "former intelligence officer" in the region, the "ex-spy" & "others who know the regime" (those PR specialists) tell them the corruption will remain, you better stay on Nazarbayev's & his accomplices good side.

Is the ex-spy Steele?

Giffen began working to open the Soviet Union to US businesses in the 1970s. Working for a consortium of many large US companies to "negotiate entry into the Soviet market".

After what was then the largest foreign corruption investigation in FBI & DOJ history, Giffen & his CIA classified documents, got almost all of the charges dropped. Pleading guilty to a misdemeanor tax offense & a $25 fine for an $80m bribery case!

Giffin's lawyers spent 7 years fighting DOJ on the grounds that if Kazakhstan wants to make bribery of it's government officials legal, it has the right to do that. Plus the CIA authorized him to do it to further US national security...

I wonder if the DOJ's arrest of Giffin in 2003 may have contributed to the CIA efforts to blame Bush for their WMD intelligence failure in Iraq? Maybe they would have done that CYA anyway...

The local CIA officers in Kazakhstan knew nothing about his efforts. Giffin was meeting with people at CIA HQ in Arlington...

Was it a mission from the top that the local agents didn't have a need to know about?

The judge (who was given access to the CIA's docs before sentencing) seems to believe Giffin's service was real & not just a cover up for corruption. But the 2 go hand in hand.

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