Beto O'Rourke Profile picture

Jan 16, 2022, 15 tweets

We honor the life of Martin Luther King Jr. today by registering voters in counties across Texas and talking to them about #WhyWeVote.

Hope you’ll join us in doing the same.

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Found block walking in Bastrop County. #WhyWeVote

Letti and Rosina getting ready to knock on doors in Laredo (Webb County). #WhyWeVote

Rocio is in Tarrant County talking to Alicia about the importance of registering to vote in the next election. #WhyWeVote

Just registered Alejandro here in El Paso, a veteran and new voter. #WhyWeVote

Meredith and Marcus telling us why they vote in Dallas County. #WhyWeVote

Chanda (and Luca) getting registration forms to voters in Dallas. #WhyWeVote

Just registered Pedro Alberto in El Paso! #WhyWeVote

Beth and Celia getting ready to register voters in Williamson County. #WhyWeVote

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