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Mar 28 6 tweets 3 min read
Spent yesterday registering voters at the University of Texas at El Paso.

Powered by People volunteers are on college campuses every day registering and organizing young voters.

Quick thread on why this is so important and how you can join us: Texas now has the second-largest population of young voters in the nation.

They’re helping to make Texas one of the most competitive battleground states in America, and they’re the key to winning big elections in 2024 and beyond. Image
Mar 20 7 tweets 3 min read
SB 4 — the Texas “show me your papers” law — is bad. Its disregard for 100 years of Supreme Court precedent defining federal supremacy on immigration and international relations is based on a deeply flawed claim that Texas is waging war against some sort of invading army.

While that rhetoric is really popular on the extreme right, it is in no way connected to the facts. And it’s going to end up making the people living here less safe, less secure, less protected by the law. There are a lot of desperate people trying to seek refuge, join family, and find opportunity in this country. Without legal options, many are crossing in between legal ports of entry.

That’s a problem that can be handled with more resources (though Trump and Republicans have blocked bipartisan solutions that would have added 4,300 new asylum officers and 100 new immigration judges, in addition to billions more in enforcement funds) and better policy (from more effective use of parole authority and work authorizations to completely overhauling our immigration laws).

But what’s happening at the border in no way constitutes an “invasion.”
Jan 26 9 tweets 4 min read
Greg Abbott has made the very real challenges at our border much worse.

Here’s how: When he started Operation Lone Star 2+ years ago, he bungled the involuntary activation of 10,000 Guardsmen, delaying their pay and cutting their benefits.

Several have taken their own lives after being used as political pawns in his cruel theatrics.
Jan 18 5 tweets 2 min read
Exhibit A of Republicans working to worsen the chaos at the border for their own political gain 🧵: Exhibit B: “Biden has tried to give border agents 100 new cutting-edge inspection devices and add 1,000 additional law enforcement personnel. Republicans obstructed that request. Honestly, I can't tell if y'all are for anything other than obstruction and cruelty.”
Dec 8, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Nothing wrong with finding consensus on an issue as important as immigration. But it would be foolish for Democrats to give into these failed GOP proposals that will hurt border communities, create more chaos, and encourage MORE people to cross between ports of entry. The level of unauthorized migration to the U.S. is troubling. It's a security problem, a humanitarian crisis, and a political nightmare for the Biden administration. Everyone agrees: we must do something.

But cutting off the few remaining legal immigration pathways won't help.
Nov 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Texas Republicans forced these women to continue dangerous, nonviable pregnancies that almost killed them.

I hope you'll read their stories, and then commit to the work of overturning Texas' extreme abortion ban🧵: Image Image
Oct 16, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Don’t get sucked in. This gauntlet of cruelty — the buses, the razor wire, the walls, the drowning traps — are just his attempt to win a spot on Fox News and to distract us from his massive failures as governor. 🧵 He doesn’t want you to look at his record on public ed, reproductive rights, gun violence, minimum wage or healthcare so he tries to scare you about immigrants and then rolls out this performative BS that does nothing but waste our taxes and harm the most vulnerable among us.
Sep 12, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Today marks one week since the Texas Senate began its impeachment trial against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Here’s what we’ve learned so far about Paxton’s corruption and abuse of public office: The Paxton trial is covering 16 articles of impeachment.

He is accused of accepting bribes and favors in exchange for abusing the Attorney General’s Office to help indicted real estate investor Nate Paul avoid legal troubles and business losses.…
Aug 12, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Turns out we can improve security at the border AND stop migrants from dying.

(Spoiler: The solution isn’t razor wire traps, drowning devices, or asylum bans.)

But it will require action from President Biden.… It’s nearly impossible for many asylum seekers to apply for refuge at legal ports of entry right now.

That's why we see heartbreaking, chaotic images of desperate moms and babies crossing dangerous stretches of the Rio Grande.

It's why 890 migrants died at our border last year.
Dec 16, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Uvalde family members like @faithmataa continue to show the leadership missing from much of Congress & the Texas legislature. At yesterday’s hearing she showed the true cost of our failure to take common sense steps like raising the age of purchase for an AR-15 to 21. If Congress or the Texas Legislature had raised the age of purchase for an AR-15, her sister Tess might still be alive. (The Uvalde shooter patiently waited until he turned 18-years old, after which he bought two AR-15s along with 1,600 rounds of ammunition.)
Sep 30, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
This is the predictable result when Abbott describes asylum seekers as an “invasion," asks Texans to “defend” the state from immigrants by “taking matters into our own hands,” and treats refugees like political props instead of human beings. We saw it 3 years ago in El Paso. We will continue to see this until we have a governor who sees migrants as human beings, and is focused on solutions instead of political stunts.
Aug 14, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
Just met 33 FIRST-TIME voters at our town hall meeting in Frisco yesterday!

Help me thank them for being such an important part of the campaign we’re building across Texas.
Aug 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
As our kids go back to school, Abbott is hoping Texans don't see how he has repeatedly failed our students, teachers, and parents.

Let's make sure everyone does ⬇️
Jun 21, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Abbott is hoping Texans don't see his extreme agenda that the Republican party just endorsed.

Let's make sure everyone does: Defunding our kids' public schools. That's Abbott's vision for Texas. Image
Apr 10, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Abbott’s newest political stunts along the border are making inflation worse, supply chain issues worse, and prices worse.

Help share this very real cost of having him in office ⬇️ I just spoke to a small business owner in McAllen who imports produce from Mexico.

Her broker said that of the 250 produce trucks that he typically helps to cross each day at the Pharr port of entry, only 68 could get through on Friday. The rest were stuck.
Mar 14, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
I spent the last week on the road to so many incredible communities, meeting with a ton of great Texans, working together, and uniting around a shared vision for the best jobs, world-class schools, and affordable health care.

Wanted to share some highlights: We kicked off our People of Texas Campaign with an education town hall in Dallas.

Parents, teachers, students, others in the community all coming together for our schools. We committed to fully funding our classrooms, raising teacher pay, strengthening their benefits, and more.
Mar 8, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Abbott and his corporate donors do NOT want us to share this thread: They don't want us to share that Abbott was warned before the deadly grid collapse but once again put profit over people anyway.
Feb 3, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Let’s look out for one another as this storm gets worse in Texas.

We will share info on power outages, warming centers, road conditions, and more in this thread.

Please add additional info. Updates on power outages:
Feb 3, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read

Please help our fellow Texans by spreading the word about local warming centers across Texas.

Comment with information on additional resources in your community. DALLAS, TARRANT, COLLIN, AND DENTON COUNTIES…
Feb 2, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
As we prepare for this winter storm, please help our fellow Texans by spreading the word about warming centers and other resources:
Jan 16, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
We honor the life of Martin Luther King Jr. today by registering voters in counties across Texas and talking to them about #WhyWeVote.

Hope you’ll join us in doing the same.

Follow updates in this thread. #WhyWeVote