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I help entrepreneurs monetize their social media. Multi 7-figures in results for 150+ clients. Building @FSCreators

Jan 17, 2022, 10 tweets

You’re losing 1000s of Twitter followers because your profile sucks.

Use these 6 psychology tricks on your profile to grow faster than 97% of people.


5 seconds...

That's how long it takes someone to decide if they're going to follow you.

If you use these 6 cognitive biases, I guarantee your numbers will go up.

Ready to get more followers?

Let's dive in...

1. Liking Bias

You say "yes" more often to people you know and like.

How to apply this:

Make your pinned tweet a story about you and your transformation.

2. Halo Effect

An impression created in one area will influence your opinion in another area.

How to apply this:

People associate your brand quality with the quality of your tweets.
Use a high quality profile picture and banner.

3. Authority Bias

You’re more easily influenced by authority figures.

How to apply this:

Create a high value thread about your niche and keep it as your pinned thread.

Bonus points if it involves your story and a transformation.

@writingtoriches wrote one of my favourites.

@writingtoriches 4. Authority Bias x2

Your value is perceived higher when high-value people associate with you.

Treat high-follower accounts as normal people and they’ll probably follow you.

But don’t befriend them just get a follow.

@writingtoriches 5. Framing Effect

Information looks more or less attractive based on how it’s presented.

How to apply:

Your follower number should be at least 10x the amount of the people you follow.

This makes your follower count look bigger.

And helps with the final psychological effect…

@writingtoriches 6. Bandwagon Effect

You're more likely to adopt a belief or behaviour if many others have already.

How to apply this:

More followers you have = more likely that people will follow you.

So use all the previous tips I gave you and you’ll get them easily.

@writingtoriches How to optimize your Twitter profile...

1. Use stories
2. Have high quality pictures
3. Pin a high value thread
4. Make friends
5. Adjust your follower ratio
6. Get more followers

@writingtoriches Threads take me a few hours to write.

So if you liked this content:

1) Give the 1st tweet a retweet
2) Give me a follow @wrongstowrite

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