Dakota Robertson Profile picture
I help entrepreneurs monetize their social media. Multi 7-figures in results for 150+ clients. Building @FSCreators
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Dec 9, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
Want to make money writing online?

My newsletter has made me $250,000+ and has 47%-52% open rates.

Here’s my 5-step process for writing profitable newsletters: Image In 3 minutes, I'll show you how to easily:

1) Generate engaging ideas
2) Get people reading til' the end
3) Deliver value
4) Drive traffic + sales
5) Craft attention-grabbing headlines

For your newsletter.

Bookmark this post now before you forget.

Let's dive in:
Nov 11, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
LinkedIn is the easiest social media to grow on right now.

I've grown to 43,861 followers in the past 10 months.

But it won't be like this for long...

Use these Image 1. Post actionable content.

People on LinkedIn are professionals.

So they react best to logical content that furthers their career.

Post actionable content that solves their pain points and moves them closer to their desires. Image
Jun 9, 2023 32 tweets 10 min read
My parents struggled with crack addiction.

I used to live in a motorhome as a kid.

I was a college dropout.

Here’s how I overcame it all and hit $50,000 a month by writing tweets: Image I was the kid who was lower class.

My father wasn’t in my life because of crack addiction and my mother worked 2 jobs to support me.

I didn’t have any self-confidence or direction.

I knew I had potential, but didn’t know how to channel it.

I was aimless until the age of 22.
Apr 8, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
How to not get f@$ked by Elon Musk's new Twitter algorithm changes: I’m gonna simplify 4 key areas you need to focus on to grow your Twitter in 2023:

1. Relevance
2. Metrics
3. Association
4. Interactions

Now, WTF does this mean?
Mar 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Chat GPT-4 is a superpower.

But 96.9% of NPCs don't know how to use it...

Here are 3 SUPER prompts you can use that should be illegal:

(#5 will shock you) Chat GPT-4 Super Prompt 1:

"Give me 3 ways I can stop being an NPC and reading threads on Chat GPT-4"
Jan 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
A poem I wrote that is dear to me: Pineapple on my pizza, oh so fine,
A combination of sweet and savory divine.

The acidity cuts through the cheese and sauce,
Jan 14, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
You're being manipulated every day.

The 5 psychological biases marketers use on you without you knowing: Your brain represents just 2% of your total body weight.

But uses 20% of the body's energy.

To save energy, your brain comes up with shortcuts (cognitive biases).

This thread will go over the biases:

1. Authority
2. Reciprocity
3. Social proof
4. Anchoring
5. Scarcity
Jan 11, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
7 habits that’ll get you ahead of 95% of people in 2023: These habits are the ones I used to change my life.

Going from:

• Fat
• Broke
• Unfuilfilled


Travelling the world, fit, and getting paid to do what I love.

These 7 habits have served me well and I hope they do the same for you.
Jan 6, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
How I coached @TaylinSimmonds to $40,000/month to write tweets.

If you want to make $10,000/month as a ghostwriter, read this: @TaylinSimmonds I “met” Taylin on Twitter around March 2022.

A few months in, coached him to become a ghostwriter.

At the time, he was a college professor making $42K/year and wanted to grow a personal brand.

Now he makes that in a month. Image
Dec 27, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I grew up lower class.

Lived in a motorhome/motels and come from a “frugal” family.

The biggest difference I notice from growing up, to now, is how time is valued.

Broke people will spend 3 extra hours doing something to save $10. People making decent money will spend $30 to save 1 hour of time.

They view money as a tool, not a scarce resource.

They know the true scarcity is their time and how they allocate it.
Nov 16, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Twitter will be the end game social media. “There’s no WeChat equivalent out of China,” “There’s a real opportunity to create that.”

- Elon Musk
Nov 5, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
At the airport.

They have complimentary drinks at the lounge.

For every like this gets, I’ll drink 1 beer. Image Image
Oct 29, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
10 of the most powerful life hacks I’ve learned in 24 years: Listen to movie soundtracks during deep work.

Specifically, from Hans Zimmer.

Some of my favourites:

• Dunkirk
• Inception
• Interstellar
• Top Gun Maverick
• The Dark Knight Trilogy

This will 10x your focus.

I’m not joking, try it.
Oct 18, 2022 26 tweets 2 min read
25 business lessons I know now that I wish I knew 1 year ago:

1. Tell prospects your price, then shut the fuck up. People buy with emotion, then justify with logic.
Oct 13, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Give me 60 seconds I’ll give you a cheat code to remember everything you learn: This framework is from one of the smartest humans in history:

Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Richard Feynman.

With it, you’ll:

• Learn faster
• Think clearer
• Become smarter

Than 97% of people.

Here’s the 4-step framework…
Oct 8, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
Stephen King’s 10 writing rules that’ll make you a better writer than 12 years of English class: Image If you can write well, you can:

• Persuade people
• Make more money
• Build your influence

Here are 10 rules from one the best writers of our generation to 10x your writing:
Oct 4, 2022 8 tweets 14 min read
Twitter can teach you more than a 4-year degree and get you ahead of 97% of people...

But only if you're following the right accounts.

Here are 53 creators you need to follow: 10 accounts that'll make you more money than a 4-year business degree:

Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The more you grow, the more you need to say "no." Your fans and followers like you for the work you produce.

It resonates, so they reach out.

But when you reach a certain point, you get 100s of comments and DMs a day.

It's at that point you need to make a choice...
Jul 21, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
• My parents were crack addicts
• I used to live in a motorhome
• I'm a college dropout
• I started from $0

But last month, my ghostwriting agency hit $51,610 in 31 days.

These 11 lessons took me years to learn but you get them in the next 2 minutes: You don't need a degree to start a business.

Google is free.
YouTube is free.
Social media is free.

In 5 months, I scaled to $30K+/month.

If you’re disciplined, 6 months of self-education can get you 10x farther than 4 years of college.
Jun 30, 2022 25 tweets 3 min read
23 sentences that’ll help you focus better than a $184 Adderall prescription: Listen to Hans Zimmer movie soundtracks during deep work to skyrocket your focus.
Jun 28, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
Do you lack focus and motivation?

Use this 5-step dopamine detox to focus better than 97% of people: Do you fail to focus?
Do you lack self-control?
Do you struggle with motivation?

Excessive dopamine is why.

But what is dopamine?