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Vancouver guy travelling to 52 countries in 52 weeks. On a break from this website. Strives to tell unique stories. https://t.co/bD9PT5oPPN

Jan 18, 2022, 6 tweets

#COVID19 hospitalizations in B.C. jumped up 27% over the weekend to 819, and there were 22 new deaths, most over a weekend since October.

Effects of the Omicron surge are really being seen in two of our main metrics, but ICU cases only up 4 to 99.

Today's chart.

Given the sharp uptick we've seen in deaths in the last week, but not a corresponding rise in ICU cases, one might think a lot of these are in long-term care settings.

But we only get that information on a backdated basis, so hard to be conclusive.

An average of 44,061 people in B.C. received a booster shot over the weekend, a 22% increase over the prior week.

We've now had six days in a row with just over 100 new hospitalizations.

(have to average out the numbers over the weekend)

Good news is that number is no longer rising, the bad news is that's not a great number!

Repeat after me: hard to know exactly where B.C. is at in this wave given data limitations. No new wastewater numbers for six days now.

But the rolling positive rate has gone from 24.1 to 21.6%, and the number of new daily hospitalizations has temporarily plateaued.

Apologies for the charts being late today! Things got delayed to make sense of the province's rollout of the updated Omicron public health orders.

We'll find out about those at 1:30 tomorrow.

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