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Jan 18, 2022, 9 tweets

Headline indicators for the UK labour market for September to November 2021 show that

▪️employment was 75.5%
▪️unemployment was 4.1%
▪️economic inactivity was 21.3%…

Commenting on today’s labour market data, ONS director of economic statistics Darren Morgan said:


Continuing, Darren Morgan said:


Darren Morgan added:


Darren Morgan concluded:


The number of employees on payroll continued to grow strongly in December 2021, and is now over 400,000 above the pre-pandemic level…

Weekly hours worked fell 2.6 million on the previous quarter, to 1.02 billion hours in September to November 2021, the first drop since the latest relaxation of #COVID19 regulations…

After taking inflation into account, average pay saw annual growth of 0.4% including bonuses in September to November 2021, while excluding bonuses it was flat…

There were an average of 1.247 million job vacancies across October to December 2021, up from 1.119 million the previous three months…

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