Patrick Breyer #JoinMastodon Profile picture
Dr. Patrick Breyer, @Piratenpartei & @EuropeanPirates, ehem. Europaabgeordneter/former MEP. #JoinMastodon:

Jan 18, 2022, 10 tweets

Help make the EU #DigitalServicesAct a game-changer for our digital rights! Thursday, the Civil Liberties Committee‘s proposals to #FixTheDSA will be voted in the European Parliament.

Reach out to your MEPs!

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Every year, data leaks expose millions of EU citizens' data to cyber-criminals.

We plan to enshrine the right to use and pay for services anonymous-ly in the #DigitalServicesAct, to protect citizens privacy, and reduce the impact of data leaks.


More and more governments have been abusing their powers to spy on citizens.

The #DigitalServicesAct should ensure your data can only be handed over following a court order to investigate & prosecute serious crime or threats to public security.


When Internet Service Providers block access to sites, they often block more than intended, depriving us of access to legal content.

We propose the #DigitalServicesAct ensures illegal content is removed at the source, not clumsily blocked by ISPs.


Decisions about content-legality are often made by government-controlled authorities, not courts. This has resulted in censorship.

To protect #FreedomOfExpression and #MediaFreedom, we plan to ensure legality of content is evaluated by the courts, not govern-ments.


The #DigitalServicesAct would allow Orban to remove content all over the EU.

Satirical religious caricatures could also be removed because are il-legal in some countries.

We want to #FixTheDSA so that content is only removed for the re-questing Member State, not the whole EU!

More and more, large platforms are abusing their power to censor users that stand up to them or express dissenting views.

To protect freedom of expression, let‘s #FixTheDSA and ensure plat-forms cannot arbitrarily suppress legal content or act against those sharing it.

Due to the ever-growing amount of content online, companies have resorted to using unreliable algorithms to remove illegal content.

We want to #FixtheDSA, so that these filters can only be used on con-tent that has already been identified as illegal regardless of context.

Everything we see online is decided by platforms' algorithms.

These algorithms promote extreme and fringe views (antivax, conspiracy, hate) in a quest for clicks.

We want to #FixTheDSA & give users a right to a timeline without #AlgorithmicManipulation.

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