Shelley Laskin 🇨🇦 Profile picture
Committed to strengthening our public schools and communities. #OntEd

Jan 18, 2022, 67 tweets

@tdsb Hearing from delegates first and then from @TOPublicHealth.

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth Just on a brief recess at @TOPublicHealth joins the Zoom Call

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth As we wait for @TOPublicHealth moving to the Motion -Increased Resource Support and Financial Flexibility to Ensure Multi-Year Strategic Plan Delivers on Equity and Students Achievement… @trusteemammo @rchernoslin

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Motion now on the table - and back to @TOPublicHealth - Welcoming Dr Dubey and Ms Welch - they begin with speaking about Omicron - and how quickly its spreads

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Monitoring dashboard - testing strategy has changed, however, still looking at the health system capacity - vaccinations are helping

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Although some vaccinated people are getting COVID - many more unvaccinated are hospitalized and in ICUs

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Children are getting sick - largely being driven by children 0-4, even 0-1 - many from unvaccinated families - upper airways are impacted in very young children

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Public Health guidance has changed, but they are very much involved with our schools

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Screening guidance has also been updated - for both students and staff - guidance is the same, however

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin There is now an A list and a B list of symptoms - they have been updated due to Omnicron

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Following symptom questions, there are additional questions

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Second page of the screening tool has the answers re isolation - these are the actions to take

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin You must stay home and self-isolate if you have symptoms or a positive test, either PCR or rapid antigen

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Close contact in the community can differ from close contact at school - cohorts at school are not considered "close contacts" - but daily screening is required

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Additional screening tool for Principals

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Website continues to be updated

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin School Liaison Public Health Nurses will be available to help schools

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Masks are critical in light of this new variant - high quality and well-fitted

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Vaccinations are critical - but we continue to see neighbourhood differences - with lower vaccination rates - similar to adults

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Addressing this with a community vaccination strategy to try and ensure equitable access #TeamToronto

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Prioritizing vaccinations of children and youth

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin This is where clinics are being planned

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Some of the results of the vaccine survey for parents - goal was to access parent's intentions

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Key findings - 2/3rds spoke to vaccinated - 15% were hesitant and 19% were opposed

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Preferred location at family doctor or school - results are available on @TOPublicHealth website

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Booster doses are proving effective - currently are no booster dose recommendations for children

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Booster does do help make antibodies

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin New and emerging evidence that Moderna is an excellent vaccine

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Providing special clinics for education workers

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Get a booster even if you have had COVID-19

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Q&As now - Pfizer is doing trials now for a vaccine fro 6mo to 4yr olds - different dose from 5-11 and that is why science table is not recommending at this point for all children born in 2017

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Q re lunch - Dr Dubey speaks to physical distancing for example every second person eats - but their experience from Sep to Dec was that COVID-19 did not spread readily within the classroom due to other measures - @TOPublicHealth has provided a number of other options

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Q re accuracy of testing - Dr Dubey speaks to RATs - when virus is circulating in community, RATs become more reliable - different than last fall - if negative you need 2 spaced over 24 hrs whereas 1 PCR has to be negative

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Q re vaccine risk - Dr Dubey speaks to scientific work - one of the rare effects can include inflammation of the heart - very serious without the vaccine - much more rare following vaccination - and if they get it they have a milder case - definitely advice is to get the vaccine

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Dr Dubey stresses the benefits of vaccinations outweigh the risks - again - science proves benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks.

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Q re the survey - 19% parents opposed and 15% hesitant - 3 reasons - what information does @TOPublicHealth have - there are a number of resources on the website - re long-term effects - unvaccinated have far more long-term effects - very few children have side-effects...

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin When the vaccine was approved for 5-11 year olds Health Canada accessed the data - this is not an experimental vaccine - data and trials are based on scientific review - long-term refers to 3mo following an infection - what are people waiting for? Real and current risk now

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Dr Dubey speaks to a year and half of data - vaccines do not give side effects after 32 days - @TOPublicHealth has recommendations for vaccines - on Monday reaffirmed vaccine requirement recommendation for children attending schools

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Q re age demographics of people in ICU? Available on the data page on the website - hospitalizations tend to be unvaccinated - among the vaccinated tends to be older adults - re transmission? Two does may not prevent but you may have a milder illness and less likely to spread it

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin Now @TDSBDirector presenting staff update - begins with update re weather events - understood the concerns of parents and staff - apologized for the late notice and change of plans - decisions both criticized and applauded - plan is to return to in-person tomorrow -

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Director continues with thanks to all staff who have been on-site - and speaks to returning to in-school learning and essential health and safety strategies are in place - respect that some families may be slow to return - hoping all will return to school when families are ready

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Begins with strategies to address staff absences - met with Ps and VPs to go through guidance on what to do with staff shortages - provided operational guidelines - occasional teachers, redeploying, etc. each situation may be different

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Communication with communities will be key and Ps will check with Superintendents on strategy chose for their circumstances

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Now on to health and safety protocols - screening will be more critical than ever

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Re test kits - system transitioning to rapid antigen tests - they will be supplies to schools in priority sequence - kits will be used for symptomatic

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Still awaiting direction re future availablility

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Regarding vaccination clinics - consent forms will be sent home to families to determine if there is interest in getting students vaccinated in the school day - parent volunteers may be welcome to assist

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Reporting will still happen within affected cohort

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Province will be providing forms to report

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Requests re switching - work is happening now to facilitate switches

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector More details on short-term virtual learning in elementary

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Additional resources are available now @tdsb

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector In secondary - same principles will be followed - but there are two different options that may be available

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Resources are also available for secondary

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector And resources for parents/caregivers now available too

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Q re regular semester for secondary (4 courses) and a minimum 1-lunch - staff respond they are still consulting with @TOPublicHealth for confirmation - and will communicate as quickly as possible - pleas have been made!

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Q re lunch in elementary - concerns re physical distances - working with operational guidelines group to continue to discuss strategies to improve options - at secondary will be dependent on how many return in person - Ps and VPs are looking at all spaces to use for lunch

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector And @TDSBDirector notes we continue to ask students to go home for lunch if possible - Q - have we provided feedback to province re cohorts? Yes - confirmed we raised issues in August!

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Q - can list of schools with low fill rates for staffing be provide to trustees? A - Yes; Q re reporting vacancies on a daily basis? A - not sure we can provide on a daily basis but will do our best to provide frequently and will include in future updates

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Q re unvaccinated staff - we will have an update on the next P&P - Q re - operational needs - re 734 and Director's discretion - we expect to grapple with adequate replacement staff over the next few weeks - Director will not unilaterally make that decision - it would come back

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Q re Test Kits - as per the slide presentation - extraordinary efforts of distribution teams - these tests are rolling out to schools but need to be assemble in 2s for packaging to students and staff locally as per priority

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector Q re Severe Weather Protocol - going forward are we following December 13th? Yes - if bussing cancelled in-person and virtual classes cancelled - last comment re grateful to caretaking staff and all those who went to schools yesterday to be there if children showed up

@tdsb @TOPublicHealth @trusteemammo @rchernoslin @TDSBDirector And that's a wrap - motion that was tabled will be postposed to next week
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