Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Jan 19, 2022, 7 tweets

1. More "Freedom" than the rest of Europe🥳

2. Children saved from the inconvenience of masks

3. Think how much harm those masks could cause compared to covid

4. Only 7000 air filters for 300,000 classrooms because the DfE says most classrooms have great ventilation, see how well education workers' health has been protected

5. As @sajidjavid said

Deaths within 28 days of a positive:

Don't matter as much as

Deaths on Certificate:

6. Its fine to rely on vaccines completely, and what's the chance the next variant isn't "mild"? Covid can't have anymore curveball to throw...

7. And im sure there's no way even Omicron might bounce back as vaccines wane

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