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Job: Data-Driven Strategist. Side Job: Commentator on US Politics/Economics. Gig: MC & Speeches. Created: #EconomicStressIndex.

Jan 19, 2022, 8 tweets

@amber_athey The study has jokes.

For example: The median days since vaccination in Cali is 138-150 while previous infection is 262-277 days earlier.

Why isn’t the headline finding of the same amount of days among both groups?

Why test vaccines 138-150 days out vs. infection more days out?

@amber_athey @brithume @RanIsraeli @HotlineJosh @DanCrenshawTX @MichaelPSenger @kerpen @Peoples_Pundit @libbyemmons @MartyMakary @DrewHolden360 Now look at the finding: Percent of people within a population pool who landed up in the hospital with COVID (far right of chart):

11.5% No Vax/No Previous Infection.

0.7% Yes Vax/No Previous Infection.

0.3% Previous Infection Regardless of Vaxx.

HELLO on the last. WOW!

@amber_athey @brithume @RanIsraeli @HotlineJosh @DanCrenshawTX @MichaelPSenger @kerpen @Peoples_Pundit @libbyemmons @MartyMakary @DrewHolden360 @Deedrah @BrookeBaldwin @JimCarrey @NanHayworth @StevePhillipsMD Just WOW: COVID cases among vaccinated/not previously infected people in California during this study was THREE TIMES higher (15.5% of such people) than among unvaccinated people who already had COVID (5.0% of such people).

@Deedrah, did you at all read the study?

@amber_athey @brithume @RanIsraeli @HotlineJosh @DanCrenshawTX @MichaelPSenger @kerpen @Peoples_Pundit @libbyemmons @MartyMakary @DrewHolden360 @Deedrah @BrookeBaldwin @JimCarrey @NanHayworth @StevePhillipsMD @Timcast @ZalmanGelbman @steve_vladeck @kilmeade @RMConservative @JackPosobiec @RonnyJacksonTX As you read the CDC study of California which shows the power of natural immunity, note that the time between infection and study is much longer (262-277 days) than between jabs and study (139-150).

Yet NI held its own so well.

Just WOW!

cc @drsanjaygupta @DrJBhattacharya

@amber_athey @brithume @RanIsraeli @HotlineJosh @DanCrenshawTX @MichaelPSenger @kerpen @Peoples_Pundit @libbyemmons @MartyMakary @DrewHolden360 @Deedrah @BrookeBaldwin @JimCarrey @NanHayworth @StevePhillipsMD @Timcast @ZalmanGelbman @steve_vladeck @kilmeade @RMConservative @JackPosobiec @RonnyJacksonTX @drsanjaygupta @DrJBhattacharya @WajahatAli @amyaniobi @ColumbiaBugle @tedcruz @RandyEBarnett @RonColeman @kevincorke @politicalelle Note:

Why was this data not released on a rolling basis all along?

The study was so rushed that what should be 12.85% (last line in the red box) is 128.5% 😃

BTW, chart shows 12.8% of No Vax/Not Previously Infected had COVID vs 15.5% vaccinated/Not Perviously Infected. WOW!

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