Dr Amit Pawa💉🎙️ Profile picture
Consultant Anaesthetist, Podcaster & Clinical Professor #RegionalAnaesthesia @BlockIt_Hot_Pod #BILIH COI:GE Healthcare. Research Gate https://t.co/6a1YlyIYs9

Jan 19, 2022, 13 tweets

Coming soon, An #RAUKISURA22 🧵 on our Bruce Scott Lecturer @colinjmccartney & his Favourite Five Publications!

Watch this space!



Ok- its time to start our #RAUKISURA22 Bruce Scott Lecturer. @colinjmccartney ‘s series of #McCartneysFavouriteFive papers

Here is Number 5

Available here- pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15277930/

The purpose of this study was to determine whether either regional anesthesia (RA) or general anesthesia (GA) provided the best analgesia with the fewest adverse effects up to 2 weeks after ambulatory hand surgery.

Tell Us @colinjmccartney - why did this make the “Cut”?

Meanwhile - don’t forget to register your place at ra-ukmeetings.com

Ok- here is number 4 of #McCartneysFavouriteFive for #RAUKISURA22

This SR evaluated the effect of NMDA receptor antagonists on reducing postop pain & analgesic consumption beyond the clinical duration of action of the target drug (preventive analgesia).


Tell us @colinjmccartney why this this paper of yours make the Fave Five?

Whilst you are reading, don’t forget to register for #RAUKISURA22 here 👇🏽


Number 3 in the series of #McCartneysFavouriteFive
Is a study to determine the sensitivity of paresthesia & motor response to nerve stimulation as tools for nerve localization when a 22-g insulated needle is used for axillary-nerve block

This was an interesting study using Nerve Stimulation and Ultrasound. @colinjmccartney please tell us more about why this study made the top 5!

Don’t forget to register folks for #RAUKISURA22 at


Now for Number 2 in #McCartneysFavouriteFive
This study examined whether US can reduce the volume required when compared with nerve stimulation for Interscalene Block

Link👉🏽 bjanaesthesia.org/article/S0007-…

This was a really great study comparing these two techniques for #regionalanaesthesia

@colinjmccartney - why did this one make your top five?

Meanwhile folks- register your place for #RAUKISURA22 here


The final instalment and number 1 paper in #McCartneysFavouriteFive is this paper which examined the incidence of phrenic nerve palsy with a low-volume ISBPB compared with a standard-volume technique both guided by ultrasound. bjanaesthesia.org/article/S0007-…

Tell us why this made number 1 @colinjmccartney ?

Such a great #RegionalAnesthesia paper!

While reading- please do register for #RAUKISURA22 at


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