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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Jan 19, 2022, 6 tweets

MSNBC’s @NicolleDWallace, yesterday: "Tragically anti-mask insanity has now reached the highest court in the land.”

"Nina Totenberg .. really is a true insider, well-sourced on the Court"

@NicolleDWallace Morning Joe’s @morningmika: "Chief Justice John Roberts asked the other justices to mask up. They all did, except for Gorsuch."

@NicolleDWallace @morningmika CNN’s @donlemon: "Sources say Justice Sotomayor is concerned about Covid because she suffers from diabetes and underlying health conditions."

@NicolleDWallace @morningmika @donlemon MSNBC’s @JoyAnnReid: "Neil Gorsuch, you are both a rotten co-worker, dangerous to be near in a pandemic, and tonight’s ‘Absolute Worst.’”

@NicolleDWallace @morningmika @donlemon @JoyAnnReid CNN’s SCOTUS reporter @Arianedevogue: “Sources tell us that Sonia Sotomayor feels uncomfortable sitting on the bench if our colleagues are un-masked. And they say that she made that concern clear to Chief Justice John Roberts."

@NicolleDWallace @morningmika @donlemon @JoyAnnReid @Arianedevogue MSNBC’s @chrislhayes: "Justice Gorsuch’s deeply obnoxious behavior here is just one of major facets of this extremely right-wing court …”

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