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Jan 19, 2022, 9 tweets

Senator Johnson & Grassley prove Hunter Biden's supposedly private business trips to meet with corrupt foreign officials, were not private business trips.
Which means Hunter's 'private' business trips were done for a US govt agency! #ButNothingsHappening

It certainly raises 'questions' but don't walk past the answer!
This means NONE of Hunter Biden's travel during 2010, 2011, & 2013 were while he was conducting "private business".
Which means he was an asset secretly conducting govt. business on those trips. Which agency?

Sometimes you ask a question to get an answer that cannot be said...
They can't ask if Hunter was traveling for a US govt agency.
So they ask for records of when he was traveling to conduct "private business".

So between Janary 2019-July 2014 while Hunter was a protectee of USSS.
To fulfill a request for records of his private business trips, they USSS says none of his trips were for private business. In 2010, 2011, & 2013 that means 100% of his trips were on govt business.

So when Hunter traveled to China, Russia, Mexico, Spain, Italy & other Swampy locations like Kazakhstan, he was not traveling on private business, but as an asset of a US govt. agency...

Congress could never have asked USSS to confirm that Hunter was traveling as an asset for the US govt, that would be confidential information.
So the Senators asked for only records of private business trips. Hunters don't qualify as that so USSS provided no records of his trips!

To clarify, Hunter traveled on Air Force 2 to China with then VP Biden & USSS to set up the famous deals.

USSS says that trip was not a private business trip...


I can't confirm what agency or agencies Hunter was working for.
But we have seen some details slip like Hunter meeting with his Secret Service handlers, then spending hours working on secure govt data systems.
So it's likely Secret Service is the agency...

Why can't more people recognize that both the Bidens & the Trumps have a decades long history of working with the Feds & feeding their business 'partners' to the DOJ for prosecution?

Yet 1/2 of the people believe Hillary's oppo research on one & the other 1/2 on the other.

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