Liz Harrington Profile picture

Jan 20, 2022, 6 tweets

Thousands of phantom voters discovered in Wisconsin "who did vote" in the 2020 election

Official explanation for why there are 119,283 "active voters" in WI who have been registered for over 100 years "does not hold water"

569,277 voters have 1/1/1918 registration date, amounting to 1 out of every 14 voters in the system

115,252 of them voted in November 2020

Wisconsin Election Commission Voter ID database has 145,000 duplicate voter registrations

"Why would anybody use a numbering system that is inherently unable to be audited by humans or computers?"

Wisconsin Election Commission's Voter ID numbers, which are used to keep track of who voted after the election, are totally random

Some identified by a single apostrophe

Wisconsin Election Commission Voter ID database designed to be impossible to audit

If there was a system like Wisconsin's state voter database in the corporate world, the CEO and the CFO "would go to jail"

"Why would we apply a lesser standard to voter integrity?"

The Wisconsin Election Commission database is "a voting system where nobody can see what [they're] doing" with "no audit trail of who did what and when they did it."

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