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Apparel Manufacture 🧢 , Monkey Man🐒, Former MegaChurch Pastor ⛪️ Family Man 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Fitness Focused 💪

Jan 20, 2022, 8 tweets

Thought I’d share some thoughts on the book from @pulte & Grandpa #Pulte because this is an amazing book about business & personal character. Bill, thanks for giving this book to everyone. What a gift! As a biz consultant, this is GOLD!

Far too often the “hustle & grind” culture pushes the concept of taking risks…. But falls far short of helping people make WISE choices about CALCULATED RISKS! Thx for pointing this out @pulte

A leaders mindset is EVERYTHING! If you think you “can’t” then you’ve already lost. But if you decide “can” is the only answer…. You will be forced to find creative solutions! Again…. THANK YOU @pulte

Bottom line…. You cannot build something great on your own! It takes an army, a village, a team! Don’t go it alone! Thx @pulte for sharing this CRUCIAL truth!

Because you need that team, village or army… you have ZERO right to take the full credit for a job well done! Honor is a lost art…. Learn to give honor to the WHOLE team! Love that @pulte included this point.

Simply put…. LET YOUR EGO DIE! EGO will not sustain a person, a company or legacy long term. It will crumble. Thx @pulte for reminding us how important it is to set aside our ego! And yet, remain confident!

Never be the smartest person in the room….. the best advice I ever had as a leader! Something that becomes more clear with age. This is CRUCIAL. Hire smarter people than yourself. ALWAYS. @pulte this is BRILLIANT!

In the end, there is no better gift than giving 100% of yourself to your mission, your team and the world you serve. It being hope, offers peace & multiplies satisfaction. Thank you @pulte & Grandpa Pulte for leading by example & displaying honor!

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