Michael Robison Profile picture
Apparel Manufacture 🧢 , Monkey Man🐒, Former MegaChurch Pastor ⛪️ Family Man 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Fitness Focused 💪
Rand Bleimeister Profile picture Sammie 🐭 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 25, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
This is my youngest daughter, she was the product of extreme violent rape. I helped her bio mom relocate for safety after she was born. She had access to abortion, she chose life. As a result I have a beautiful daughter, who serves others.. and will impact the world! My family is made up of 4 adopted and 3 biological kiddos. All of my adopted kiddos were what’s the liberal dems would term “throw always” that would have been aborted!
Jun 25, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Short 🧵 on the N word…

Noticed something… the stark violation of the policy at Twitter… and the absence of @TwitterSafety in the midst…

But FAR MORE shocking is the search results I got for the N word…

Here’s some screen shots… Still up 24 hrs later
Jun 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Real, raw moment… Justice Thomas did call into question the right of #GayMarriage in the #RoeVsWade ruling… I’ll give up my “right” of my marriage with my husband… if it in fact saves the lives of millions of unborn children… period! I was raised to value the sanctity of human life. Abortion isn’t just about rights of medical care, as there will always be outlier exceptions… the issue rests in the “personhood” of a fetus/embryo/baby… and I say there is personhood.
Jun 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Going to share this next thread with video… because maybe it will resonate with more folks. But I want to help you see the truth. They didn’t end abortion with Roe today… they gave it back, gave you power back… and you vote matters more today… watch this >>>> Video 1 of 4 on SCOTUS/ROE & your rights!
Jun 24, 2022 21 tweets 3 min read

So today's SCOTUS ruling has created sadness for me... but not for the reason you just assumed... Here's why I am sad... Because today revealed just how stupid Americans have become. It revealed they do not have a clue how the judicial system works. It revealed that they have fallen for the gaslighting and lies of politicians, media, and pop culture.
Jan 22, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
The last 2 days I worked to expose a veterinarian for abusing, killing, and hoarding animals in his practice and personal property..... It has been met with fierce personal attacks against me and my work. People inside the monkey community said I was lying about the circumstances, when in fact I shared photos & videos from whistle blowers…
Jan 20, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Thought I’d share some thoughts on the book from @pulte & Grandpa #Pulte because this is an amazing book about business & personal character. Bill, thanks for giving this book to everyone. What a gift! As a biz consultant, this is GOLD! Far too often the “hustle & grind” culture pushes the concept of taking risks…. But falls far short of helping people make WISE choices about CALCULATED RISKS! Thx for pointing this out @pulte
Oct 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I am not anti-vaccine… but I will caution…. Proceed with care!!! 🚨 I am now fighting a T-Cell Lymphoma as a result of the degraded MRNA Protein Spike via dendritic reaction, called by Pfizer a waning immunity! It is not truly a safe precaution for #COVID19 The CDC, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J know that the instability of IVT use of MRNA is accompanied by the bodies clearing of the Inert 19 Protein Spike by the immune system. When it leaves the cell structure compromised after insertion & clearing…. It results in autoimmune issues….