The 99% Pennsylvania Profile picture
For 4 decades, most of the breaks have gone to the Top 1%. It's time for our electeds to do something for the rest of us - the 99%!

Jan 21, 2022, 23 tweets

1/We are celebrating @POTUS’s first year in office, reflecting on the progress we’ve made and looking forward to where we are going, toward greater equity, prosperity, and sustainability for all. Read & RT to spread the word! Very long 🧵

2/@POTUS is delivering the largest investment in safe, clean drinking water.

Learn about the Infrastructure Act & funding to address contaminants so that clean drinking 💦 flows freely through all of our homes, schools & businesses.…

3/@POTUS initiated an unprecedented vaccination program & ramped up measures to protect people against Covid & save lives.

65% of Pennsylvanians are fully vaccinated + more are getting vaccinated & boosted every day.

🔎 PA Covid Vaccination dashboard:…

4/@POTUS increased access to more affordable healthcare for millions of Americans, lowered the cost of healthcare premiums & co-pays & banned surprise medical bills. Now, more Americans can focus on caring for themselves & their loved ones w/more comfort & less financial stress.

⚕ Read more about lowered health care costs here:…

⚕ Read more about increased healthcare coverage here:…

6/@POTUS’s Infrastructure Act is delivering the largest investment in tackling legacy pollution in American history by cleaning up Superfund & brownfield sites, reclaiming abandoned mines, & capping orphaned oil & gas wells.

7/The Infrastructure Act is also advancing environmental justice by creating good paying union jobs to clean up, restore, & revive hard hit communities so they can come back even stronger & thrive for years to come.…

8/@POTUS is bridging the digital divide by delivering reliable high-speed internet to homes & communities of every race & place so that all of us can connect & move forward together.…

9/The #ChildTaxCredit lifted millions of kids out of poverty, helped families get back on their 👣 & delivered the promise of a brighter future. In PA, 2.2M kids benefited from the CTC! Most families used the CTC to pay for the essentials, like food🍒, housing🏠 & child care👶.

10/The #ChildTaxCredit also contributed to the growth of the economy as more people were spending their CTC on things they needed.

The CTC gave kids a stronger start on the path to achieving their dreams. 🌈

🙌 See how the CTC helped these PA families!

11/@POTUS’s 1st year was historic for workers, businesses & communities. Thanks to @POTUS's leadership, 6 million jobs were created 📈. Similarly, both the unemployment rate & unemployment claims had the single largest drop in 1 year 📉.

12/These record breaking numbers indicate a rapid recovery, far exceeding expectations. We’re getting back on track & moving forward together!

👓 @POTUS’s remarks on the 12/21 Job Report:…

13/@POTUS is driving us forward into the future w/cleaner, more efficient cars & trucks.
⬆ Innovative technologies
⬆ New, stricter standards for safety & emissions
⬆ Production of electric vehicles
⬆ Nat’l network of electric car charging stations
⬆ Good paying union jobs

14/These unprecedented investments in electric cars & trucks will save us money, improve public health, advance environmental justice, cut pollution, combat climate change, & contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment now & for generations to come. 🌎

15/American automakers Ford, @GM , & @Stellantis & the @UAW support @POTUS’s commitment to clean, electric cars & trucks.

🔌 Statement:…

🔌 Biden-⁠Harris Electric Vehicle Charging Action Plan:…

16/@POTUS has transformed Infrastructure Week into an Infrastructure Era w/the Infrastructure Act. Finally, PA will make much-needed & long overdue repairs & reconstruction of our roads 🛣 & bridges 🌉 w/a focus on climate change mitigation, resilience, equity & safety for all.

17/Last week, @GovernorTomWolf & @SecretaryPete announced the allocation of $1.6 billion to repair or replace over 3,000 bridges & an additional $11.3 billion will be dedicated to fixing over 7,540 miles of highway in PA over five years.…

18/Thanks to @POTUS & the IIJA, traveling for work, family, or fun will be safer, faster, & easier no matter where we live or where we’re going.

ℹ Read more about IIJA here:…

ℹ Find out what the IIJA means for PA here:…

19/@POTUS's admin represents all of us. He’s the 1st @POTUS to confirm a cabinet that is 1/2 female & majority non-white. And, he has the most diverse staff in history, largely women, people of color, people w/disabilities, LGBTQ+, 1st gen Americans, & 1st gen college grads.

20/@POTUS was elected by the people & he’s fulfilling his duty to serve all of the people w/intention & commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion.

👀 Read more about @POTUS’s cabinet here:…

21/@POTUS’s bold plans for a cleaner, brighter future are becoming a reality. The IIJA is investing in research & development, upgrading our power infrastructure & delivering renewable energy & smart technologies so that we can power forward into the future w/zero emissions.

22/Good nutrition is key to better physical & mental health. @POTUS’s #AmericanRescuePlan contributed to a significant reduction in hunger. Monthly payments thru the #CTC & nutrition assistance effectively ⤵ hunger & helped more Americans of all ages, races & places to thrive.


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