Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 Profile picture
Ukrainian-American Journalist. I stay back to document and observe. Presenting the world's raw and unfiltered reality. Desk@freedomnews.tv to license footage

Jan 21, 2022, 7 tweets

2 YEARS AGO - March For Life in Washington DC "We Love Bill Marr" chanted a huge crowd "We love babies how about you!"
Then President Trump spoke at this rally that year. #MarchForLife

Marchers were met with a small counter protest (January 25 2020 #MarchForLife)

While some groups gathered to pray (January 25 2020 #MarchForLife)

Condom Lady was out, giving out condoms to people (January 25 2020 #MarchForLife)

Thousands of people gathered two years ago on January 25 2020 for #MarchForLife.

I will be covering March for life in Washington DC tomorrow - let's see how this year will different

January 25 2020 #MarchForLife

Condom Lady was out, giving out condoms to people (January 25 2020 #MarchForLife)

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