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Jan 21, 2022, 5 tweets

Neighborhood Disadvantage and Biological Aging 🧵1/5

"Despite moving, they often still reside in economically disadvantaged areas. They are what Wilson (1987) calls 'truly disadvantaged'"

"there is a strong association between age and DNA methylation"

"Indeed, chronological age is much more strongly related to methylation based aging than to telomere length or other biological markers of aging"

" in disadvantaged neighborhoods, ambient threat, social strain, social isolation... influences health-related outcomes"

"Mean ages predicted by the Hannum’s methylomic index were 1.22 years higher than the actual chronological age of the sample. 54% of respondents had a methylomic age greater than their chronological age. This indicates a tendency in the sample toward accelerated aging."

"...this finding supports the theoretical view that the ambient stress of disadvantaged neighborhoods fosters biological wear and tear throughout the life course...and that effects are not entirely attributable to individual level financial strain or health behaviors...."

"..individuals with a biological age one year greater than their chronological age showed a 6% increased risk of getting cancer within three years and a 17% increased risk of cancer death within five years"

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