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Mostly here for reparations for descendants of US chattel slavery
Feb 5, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 10 Black American Inventors Your School Never Talked About

1. George Edward Alcorn was the winner of the 1984 NASA/GSFC Inventor of the year for his X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer, which allowed scientists to more accurately identify materials and investigate deep space phenomena Image 2. Valerie L. Thomas was a NASA scientist who oversaw the creation of NASA's Landsat program capturing satellite imagery of the Earth and inventor of the illusion transmitter, a technology used in video screens, 3D movies, satellite imaging and surgery Image
Jun 23, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
White women were about 40% of slaveowners, many Indigenous tribes also enslaved Black Americans, most “Browns” were classified as white, Africans generally got better treatment than American Negroes during Jim Crow and so on so this makes no sense
A 🧵 with receipts 📃 People like to use the vague term “women” to disguise the obvious fact that the majority of women in this country, especially during segregation, were white women

White women were brutal enslavers and segregationists like their white fathers and husbands…

May 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Raymond Winbush compares reparations lineage advocates to slave catchers 🤨 When asked a specific question about how reparations is a specific debt owed to a specific class of people, Raymond Winbush refuses to answer the question
May 24, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
It's crazy how almost all the Pan-Africans who call ADOS divisive have stayed completely silent on the fact that Louisiana white Republicans are actively trying to change the definition of who counts as Black Most of these same types who call ADOS divisive also don't call out Hispanic/Latino organizations for trying to create a combined Hispanic race/ethnicity box on the census

I don't see alot of political solidarity from Pan-Africans with the Afro-Latino community
May 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
“In Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas, incarcerated workers are tasked with agricultural work on penal plantations or prison farms. These penal plantations have direct roots in the Black chattel slavery of the South” Image “Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas pay zero compensation to incarcerated people for the vast majority of work assignments” ImageImage
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Just a reminder that Democrats will publicly endorse local/state politicians and policies if they are part of the Democratic Agenda

So why the silence when it comes to direct cash payment reparations in California? 🤔 Image The Tennessee state legislature is overwhelmingly Republican and the Governor is Republican as well

It was extremely unlikely to near impossible that Tennessee would ever pass any meaningful gun control legislation, yet the Democrats showed up in full force to support the issue ImageImage
Mar 23, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
A lengthy thread🧵 of #ADOS speakers calling into the OMB Townhall on Race and Ethnicity Statistical Standards

President and Co-Founder of ADOSAF Yvette Carnell ADOS Co-Founder Antonio Moore:

“There has been an erasure of an entire population by the fact that we have not created the category American Descendants of Slavery”
Mar 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
When you separate various Black groups, you see that Ascendant Blacks, or those with two US born Black American parents, are the most underrepresented Black group in law schools 🧵 ImageImage There is also a gendered aspect with Black men from every group being underrepresented, especially for Ascendant Black men

Also Black women from every other group besides Ascendants achieved representation in excess of their proportion of the population and even above white men ImageImage
Feb 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
“Thirty-some years ago, there were no “Asian Americans.” Not a single one. There were Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans, Filipino Americans, and so on...Though known to their countrymen, collectively, as “Orientals”...they didn’t think of themselves at all as a collective” 🧵 “Stirred by the precedent of Black Power, a cadre of Asian student activists, mostly in California, performed an act of conceptual jujitsu: they would create a positive identity out of the unhappy fact that whites tend to lump all Asians together”
Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Nailed It (2019) | How did Vietnamese come to dominate this multi-billion industry

“The nail industry is a 7.5 billion dollar industry that focuses just on nails. And more than half of these salons are Vietnamese.” 1/4 “[Tippi] Hedren brought in her personal manicurist to teach them the skills of the trade. An idea was hatched. Hedren convinced a beauty school to train them for free” 2/4
Jan 1, 2023 8 tweets 6 min read
Bisa Butler is a biethnic fiber artist whose art reflects her heritage mixing traditional Black American quilting techniques with African fabrics often recreating iconic photos in Black American History
A #BlackArt 🧵🪡
I Am Not Your Negro
The Photo The Quilt ImageImage Bisa Butler | #BlackArt
The Tea
The Photo The Quilt ImageImage
Dec 16, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
“In the diamond industry, a handshake accompanied by the words mazel u'broche creates a binding agreement”

“Arbitrators explain that they decide complex cases on the basis of trade custom and usage, a little common sense, some Jewish law, and, last, common-law legal principles” “The Diamond Dealers Club still functions like an old-fashioned mutual-aid society. It provides kosher restaurants for its members...There is a synagogue on
the premises, and contributions to a benevolent fund are required”
Nov 10, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
The idea that there is a commonality among different racial/ethnic groups based on "shared" oppression is specious

Some Japanese Americans participated in blackface minstrel shows during internment and Native American tribes still owned Black slaves on the Trail of Tears… Contrary to the popular belief of finding solidarity with Black Americans because of oppression, many groups instead reaffirmed the idea that they were superior to Black Americans

Many Native American tribes still discriminate against Black tribal members
Nov 7, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
"..Glazer, Bell, and Kristol conducted their whitening in the world of high culture and public policy, they too invented their own Jewish form of whiteness by reinventing blackness as monstrous and proclaiming their distance from it: I’m good, you’re bad; I’m white, you’re black" "Michael Rogin and Eric Lott argue that Jews used the blackface of vaudeville tradition in the movies in much the same way that earlier Irish performers had used it on the stage"

Al Jolson Sarah Silverman
(1927) (2007)
Oct 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
"In 1950, unknown vigilantes detonated a series of fifteen bombs at the homes of blacks who were integrating a white neighborhood"

"two of the main suspects were Mexican American men who felt threatened by the encroachment of African American families into white neighborhoods"🧵 Image "Even some civil rights activists were inclined to assert their whiteness through acts of discrimination against blacks"

"LULAC leader Tijerina enforced a strict Jim Crow policy at his business. He took the unusual step of posting a detailed policy statement, titled 'Negroes'" Image
Oct 11, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
"[White] Cuban migrants received unprecedented support as an immigrant group with one billion dollars funneled into flights, job training, recertification, resettlement, housing, and small business loans"

"they also helped to ensure Miami continued to be an anti-Black city" 🧵 Image "The federal funds and resources that were channeled into building the Cuban economic enclave allowed for immigrant success, but these resources were also attached to whiteness"

"The terms “Latino” and “Hispanic” in the city of Miami...have become synonymous with whiteness" Image
Oct 9, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Pearl Jam is one the highest selling bands of the 90's and made a massive hit (Jeremy) about a school shooter And before yall say "that was different, they weren't glorifying it", the Rolling Stones, one of the biggest rock bands ever, made music that glorified slavery, rape, torture and pedophilia all in one song…
Oct 7, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
"Despite popular perception, however, the most successful subset of Blacks today are not descendants of American slaves, but instead descendants of free Black migrants whose ancestors were enslaved outside the United States" 🧵 "Recent studies indicate that over fifty percent of New York’s Black businesses have historically been owned by West Indians even though West Indians constituted less than one third of the city’s Black population"
Aug 19, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
"I asked Kemi to tell me her understanding of what the “Naija mentality” is. She told me, “Basically don’t act like an ‘akata'"

"He told me growing up akata always had a negative connotation and referred to African Americans" Sugar Hill - 1993

"We can't work with Akata"
"Akata. Akata. What is this Akata shit"
"Black American. Cotton picker"
Aug 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The Tropics in New York (1925)
By W.A Domingo 🇪🇸 🇯🇲

A West Indian's view on America

"It is the large body of foreign born who contribute those qualities that make New York so unlike Pittsburgh, Washington, Chicago, and other cities with large aggregations of American Negroes" "It is safe to say West Indian representation in the skilled trades is relatively large"

"they are forever launching out in business, and such retail businesses as are in the hands of Negroes in Harlem are largely in the control of the foreign born"
Aug 2, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Emma Amos was a Black American artist and educator who combined painting, printmaking and textiles to create unique art pieces

A #Blackart Appreciation 🧵
22 and Cheetah, 1983 Emma Amos
Targets, 1992