Sean W. Anthony Profile picture
Professor, historian, specialist in Mashriqī Studies at 𝕿𝖍𝖊 @OhioState University

Jan 21, 2022, 8 tweets

Some instances citations of Q. 112 from the Umayyad period below ...

P.Berol. 12825 (CPR III, no. 43), ca. 705-708

P. Br. Mus. 1515 (1) (CPR III, no. 35), 88ah/706+ad

P.Cair. Bibl. Ked. (CPR III 38), 708-9ad

P.Cair. Bibl. Ked. (CPR III 67), 709-10ad

PER Inv. Ar. P. 3976 (CPR III 65) 716-711 ad

PER Inv. Ar. P. 4004 (CPR III 73), undated…

Reform coinage of 'Abd al-Malik minted 77ah/696ad

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