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Jan 22, 2022, 12 tweets

Breakout Trading Strategy

How to Trade Breakouts Effectively?
How to Avoid Big losses in Failures ?
What to Look before entering into Breakouts?

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What is Breakout ?
A breakout is a stock price moving outside a defined support or resistance level with increased volume.
Always trade breakouts in uptrend for high win ratios
Source : Google

What to Look before entering a breakout ?
Look for Volume Spikes on Up days and Down Volume on down days.
Simply Volume Should Dry during Pullbacks
This is a sign of Accumulation by Bigger Sharks.
As they buy in huge quantities they have to buy in parts to avoid price spikes

They dont only buy on Uptrend but continue holding during pullbacks for bigger gains .
Important thing is pullbacks should always have less volumes .

Rules For entering a Breakout .
1. Never enter more than 50 % of quantity on Breakout Region .
2. Most of the time the stock Pulls back to Breakout Region Giving a Good Reward opportunity.
3. Use Alerts to buy exactly at Pivot Points / breakout Regions to avoid extended stocks

4. Keeping Alerts is important and once can use @tradingview or @zerodhaonline or other Platforms to keep alerts .
5. Stock That is extended more th 4% above BO region shouldnt be bought as they dont provide Good RR .

Entry Rules :
1. Enter 50% Qty on Breakout os stock
If Stoploss Hits Your Loss is only on 50%
2. Wait for Retest and add the next 30%
3. Add Further Qty on way up
4. Always add on Winners Rather than Loosers
5. Protecting Capital Is utmost imporant in this case

Retests Also Fail and no one can Avoid this scenarios and Loss has to be booked Definatley
Example : Radico
Look for Volume Breakouts with Price Breakouts the probability of Winning Increases
Stocks Breaking out in Uptrend have High winning Chances then in DownTrend

Range Breakouts VS Trendline Breakouts
Range Breakouts have Higher Winning % Compared to Traingle , Pennant Trend Breakouts due to over head Resistance .
As Buyers Are Trapped at Higher Prices they will Try to exit at every bounce at Min loss or Breakevens
Example :JindalSaw

Stoploss Rules :
Follow Maximum Stop of 8 to 10% in trades as Losses Work Against You .
If you are not getting Small Stop Trade move on to next trades as opportunities are endless .
Breakout Failures are common and hence Risk has to be managed

Target Rules :
Target Should Be arounf 15 to 20% when your risk is 8 to 10 %
You can reduce this risk by entering at correct buy points and keeping stops at 5% .
Risk Reward of 1:2 is Great with 50% win Ratio
Book Partially at 1st targets and Keep Stop at cost.

If you Liked the content Consider Following me @JayneshKasliwal to Enhance your Trading Journey
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