Tiho Brkan Profile picture
HNWI multi-family office focused on high-quality assets at attractive valuations (public businesses, luxury real estate development and alternative lending).

Jan 22, 2022, 13 tweets

It has become quite clear that the growth stock bubble witnessed over the last 12-18 months, with an orgy of speculation has now popped and results are and might continue to be extremely painful.











So, what's the summary?

• justification of low-interest rates did not save the speculators in growth stocks

• buying any asset at ridiculously high valuations rarely works (if ever)

• following social media gurus into the same stock is bound to have unintended consequences

• since we are all wrong, the only way to protect your capital is to ensure ample margin of safety

• when you're buying growth at any price, you're likely to see your portfolio drop meaningfully in price

• tops occur when the popularity in stocks & sectors reach a frenzy

If you thought there is a new paradigm shift, a new economy, and that you have discovered it — and will profit from it — before others was clearly an illusion of invulnerability & overconfidence (optimism bias on steroids).

There is nothing new under the sun, just another cycle.

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