steph maj swanson Profile picture
Multimedia artist, writer, musician. Creator of Loab. AI apparitions and counter-hyperstition. pay me to write/art/give talks! words in @vice 🏳️‍🌈 she/her

Jan 22, 2022, 69 tweets

These tarot cards do not exist.
I generated 500 of these and I’m not stopping. I’ll post the best in this thread as I curate them over time.

Made with @ai_curio’s #LookingGlassAI

This tarot card does not exist.

The Guy of Jeans

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

The Deep Sea Diver

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

The Panty Flasher

This tarot card does not exist.

The Barnacle

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

THE ஃ O꧗⟦Fࠋ .

This tarot card does not exist.

One of Bonsai

This tarot card does not exist.

King of Cylinders

This tarot card does not exist.

Two of Getting Kicked in the Nuts

This tarot card does not exist.

Seven of Guns

This tarot card does not exist.

King of Bats

This tarot card does not exist.

Queen of Tubeworms

This tarot card does not exist.

Object Permanence

This tarot card does not exist.

The Surfer

This tarot card does not exist.

The Corn Shaman

This tarot card does not exist.

The Mercenary

This tarot card does not exist.

The Imp

This tarot card does not exist.

ሐILꙔ PORtꓘ ,

This tarot card does not exist.

The Pyre

This tarot card does not exist.

Queen of Sickles

This tarot card does not exist.

Idk what to call this one but she's adorable

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

Ace of Odriinards

This tarot card does not exist.

Two of Topiaries

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

The Sphinx

This tarot card does not exist.

King of Bones

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

Journey (2012, PlayStation 3)

This tarot card does not exist.

The Sculptor

This tarot card does not exist.

The Juggler

This tarot card does not exist.

Five of Alien Invaders

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

Chilled Out Man

This tarot card does not exist.

Two of Curtains

This tarot card does not exist.

King of Prosthetics

This tarot card does not exist.

Page of Potted Plants

This tarot card does not exist.

Three of "Quick! Get Some Stuff to Keep the Guillotine Blade Up"

This tarot card does not exist.

Queen of Telling You to Fold Your Laundry

This tarot card does not exist.

The Dryad

This tarot card does not exist.

The Psychonaut

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

The Tortured Knight

This tarot card does not exist.

The Once-ler

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

King of Harps

This tarot card does not exist.

The Winged Ogre

This tarot card does not exist.

Duchess of Hares

This tarot card does not exist.

The Martian Ambassador from "Mars Attacks!"

This tarot card does not exist.

The Wand Detectives

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

The Annoying Little Brother

This tarot card does not exist.

Two of Owls

This tarot card does not exist.

Four of Cyclopes

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

The Winds

Two of Stained Glass

This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.


This tarot card does not exist.

The Quilter

This tarot card does not exist.

> EΛ O'٨%λ'ΘL'U٨

This tarot card does not exist.

The Willow

This tarot card does not exist.

Page of Sod

This tarot card does not exist.

Six of Glyphs

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