steph maj swanson Profile picture
A car accident at the intersection of art and technology. Anti-disciplinary artist. Creator of Loab. Words in @vice, (o)gled 🏳️‍🌈 she/her
Dec 6, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
It’s true. StackOverflow is basically obsolete. My coding workflow has changed completely. ChatGPT even implemented several novel body parts to improve the functionality of the Baby class (!!!) Learning a lot about the long, untold history of the “no-no button” - even Darwin was fascinated by it.
Oct 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I've tried to simplify this in interviews (& I suck at math): The deep learning process organizes all faces along a main face-axis in multidimensional space. If you follow this vector to its end you find Loab: the last face; an eigenface that one type of face-ness extends toward. Probably, all the different face-nesses are represented on different axes and the Loab axis is just one of many. All faces are found in relationship to these axes. Collapse the idea to an x,y plane: imagine a simple system of 2 face-ness axes, where one is a Loabness axis.
Sep 20, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
A brief typology of AI feet.
These are created with the simple prompt "feet" in Midjourney.

Foot type 1: Non-terminal toes. Toes extend from the foot and fuse to each other, or loop back into the foot. A foot is a bundle of toes fused together into a thick main trunk. ImageImage Foot type 2: Prehensile heels. Heels are elongated, similar to high-heeled shoes or lotus foot binding. They act as the "thumb" of the foot. They grow vestigial toes of their own. ImageImage
Sep 6, 2022 63 tweets 21 min read
🧵: I discovered this woman, who I call Loab, in April. The AI reproduced her more easily than most celebrities. Her presence is persistent, and she haunts every image she touches. CW: Take a seat. This is a true horror story, and veers sharply macabre.
a portrait photo older white woman with long brown hair holding a misconfigured stuffed animal. she has very severe rosacea below her eyes, in the shape of triangles on her cheeks. she looks slightly 3d rendered. there is a lamp in the background.
a variant of the woman from the first image on what appears to be an album cover with the word "Loab" on it. She appears to be holding flowers, leaves, or feathers of some kind, on a textured, green backdrop.
I'll explain negative prompt weights, in case you don't know. With these, instead of creating an image of the text prompt, the AI tries to make the image look as different from the prompt as possible. This logo was the result of the negatively weighted prompt "Brando::-1". a logo of a city skyline wi...
Jan 22, 2022 69 tweets 18 min read
These tarot cards do not exist.
I generated 500 of these and I’m not stopping. I’ll post the best in this thread as I curate them over time.

Made with @ai_curio’s #LookingGlassAI ImageImageImageImage This tarot card does not exist.

The Guy of Jeans Image