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Jan 22, 2022, 11 tweets

LMH on Tex Graves

Sheriff Tex Graves:

LMH tries to replicate lasercuts, to no avail.

Rancher Tom Miller regularly finds his cattle mutilated.

VET Fitzgerald:

Lasercuts that remained the same over a span of 50 years (late sheriff Wolverton) & Cookie cutter cuts from where entire tract was pulled out without a drop of blood.

Montana sheriffs Keith & Pete tell about their experiences in the field.

10.000 reported cases in the US alone. A lot unreported.
Situation is much worse. Remarkable is that ranchers are stonewalled when they call the police. Now what good ever came out from looking away?

In the 20th century it began in 1967 with with Snippy the horse.

Elsberry mutilations in the 70s

Tom Miller stopped reporting the mutilations on his ranch.

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